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Coming Soon: colored pencil and other waxy media

Remember that the URL tags on these pictures are outdated. My topcities account no longer exists. I will post a notice when I have a new home. Feel free to contact me via email (see index page or visit the other site.)

This page last updated:5/13/05

Fox Spirit for lack of a better name. +pencil on construction paper. It's hideous but I'm at a loss here. Does ghostly semi-fem nudishness count against me? May 9 2005
Litha done in Photoshop. July 10-12, 2001 She is property of Gwynn
Dalharuk done in Photoshop. August 16, 2001
Gargess in Black done in Photoshop, September 9-10,2001. GIB is property of K. Cash.
Demoness done in Photoshop. March 27, 2002
Close-up (crop) of Ami (property of Heidi) done in Photoshop March 29, 2002.
"Rope Trick" done in Pencil + Aurora Gel Pens. April 19, 2002
"Allaidh in Stone" done in colored pencil + watercolor, April 9, 2002
Centaur, unnamed done in Photoshop. June 18-24, 02
"Fairy, colors 4 -- Air" done in pencil, colored pencils + Photoshop. June 14, 02
"Ria" done in Photoshop, June 15, 02. Ria is property to her player.
Sa'adi done in pencil, October 14-17, 2001
Sa'adi done in Photoshop, lineless. November 14-22, 2001
"Wild Thing" done in pencil. November 24-27, 2001
Senethra, done in Photoshop. December 7-11, 2001

Main page Pencil Gallery Digital Gallery Misc. Media

A border around the thumbnail indicates something of an almost explicit nature. IE: near-nudity or nudity w/o goodies showing. Keeping it clean here, folks.

Background by Celtic Web Art (no updated link)

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For questions or comments, please contact me @ Fellanora(AT)yahoo(DOT)com. (You know how that works)
Unless otherwise noted, all characters, babble, ideas, and images (including backgrounds, banners, buttons, HTML & etc) created by and property of M. "Fellanora" Kirk. All Rights Reserved and all that jazz, dig?