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Posted May 6, 2002...
Hey y'all, it's Chris...well, I know you may all be confused by the new look and such, and perhaps asking where I'm going. It was a tough choice to make, but I decided that I just don't have the time nor heart to keep this as a running site. It's not that I don't love the Boys - almost always have and always will. I just haven't been inspired, and when I am I'm so busy that I'm lucky to even look at my computer.

I've taken several of the features down, but left some up too. None of the stories that are unfinished will be finished, at least no time in the near future, so start at your own discretion. If the links to other sites and such don't work in the future I apologize.

I had a blast sharing my work with you. Bits and pieces of me are found all throughout my work, and all your kind words over the years, from the Lovahs' page to Sarah and Katy's to this one, have made me feel good, not just as a writer but a person as well. I love you all! Thanks again!

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