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About Designer's Original

Designer's Original is an online ministry for women that God has placed on my heart about six or more months ago. Designer's Original is about helping women embrace their God-given unique qualities. If all of us were the same, the world will be a dull and boring place. Besides, as believers, we are supposed to be different. We should embrace our unique qualities as special gifts from God.

*Designer's Original is also a tool to instill into women that we are all God's Masterpieces. We are His daughters, His princesses, and we are created in His image. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. "We are His workmanship (His Poem) created in Christ Jesus for good works, that God has prepared beforehand that we should walk in them" (Ephesians 2:10). We are His Original Creations. We are Designer's Originals!

*I am so bless to have God entrust me with this vision. I pray that He will continue to bless me and this ministry indeed and enlarge my territory, and that His hand will be upon me so that no evil cannot harm me or this ministry. I will always pray for you as well as go forth into your destiny in Jesus' name.

Toia M. Thompson
Founder of Designer's Original

About the Website:

The Designer's Original website is a great work of art, which was designed and built by Toia M. Thompson, founder of Designer's Original, by the teaching and knowledge of the Holy Spirit.

*The Designer's Original website has a little bit of everything that makes a website fun, interesting, and informative. In addition to that it is a strategic maneuver to win back women, who are brokenhearted, depressed, lost, and held captive in sin, to our wonderful Father, Christ Jesus. As for the spiritual side, the website includes weekly bible lessons, daily devotions, praise reports; and most importantly, the opportunity to receive the gift of eternal life.

While the website gives information about the spiritual man, it also gives information on taking care of the physical man. For example, we have the health and nutrition section and the Designer's Original Beauty Shop. And that's not all! We even have a financial section and so much more. To tell you everything that's on the website will take the fun out of experiencing the website for yourself. So check out the Designer's Original website at You won't be disappointed.

Be Unique! Be Empowered!
Be an Original!

A Designer's Original!

"If any man or woman be in Christ Jesus,
he or she is a new creation. Old things are passed away.
Behold, all things are brand new."
(2 Corinthians 5:17 - paraphrased)

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Designer's Original © Copyright 2005. All rights are reserved.
No portions of this website may be copied or reproduced without permission.

Webmaster & Designer

Toia Thompson