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- PK Star,
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Loki, Bishie of the Month

About Loki;

---Loki, from Norse Mythology, is the trickster god. This side of Loki also shows itself in Loki from Matantei Loki RAGNAROK: our Bishounen of the Month. The anime itself makes countless references to Norse mythology, and Loki maintains an trickster's personality, but perhaps not to the same evil degree he's said to have expressed in mythology. In the anime, Loki is viewed in the form of a child; his punishment from Odin for reasons that do not become well known until later in the series. The anime starts with Loki being in charge of his very own detective agency, which he runs with the help of his companion, Yamino. They run the agency with alterior motives, but find themselves caught up in interaction with a girl named Mayura; whom makes herself part of the agency in order to seach for "fushigi mysteries!"

Tall, Cute, and Handsome  

--- Loki's child form is often blunt, sarcastic, and exasperated, but he also shows a deep compassion for those around him. Loki is avidly pursued by Freya and Reiya, but his interests seem to lay elsewhere throughout the series, although he's always endlessly polite to Reiya. Loki doesn't like to get involved with most things unless there is some benefit in it for himself or someone very close to him. He knows how to manipulate people, and does so well, though sometimes feels remose for it, as a good boy should. When he isn't being grumpy and irritated at Mayura, Loki's boyish side often shows, a temperment one might find more common for someone in a such a small body. He can be cheerful and cute just as easily as he can be creepy and dangerous.

---Loki's adult form, his true form, is just as cute as his child form, if not more so. This form of Loki is at the adoration of mortals and gods alike; girls swoon and goddess' hearts fly away at the sight of him. As an adult, Loki can be just like his child counterpart, but he seems to be more at the extremes. In his true form, Loki is cocky; if someone is bothering him, he knows he is capable of taking them out and will not hesitate to do so with the flick of a finger. Additionally, Loki can be a laid back, slightly amused person, reveling in attention and, again, seeming to be mightily cocky. However, Loki is still a loving father of three whom cares deeply for all his children. He also has an overwhelming sense of justice, and wishes to seek revenge against Odin for reasons that would be spoilerific to disclose.

Don't you just want to take him home?  

---When it comes to power, Loki is.. p0wnz0rific. Any trouble he has with enemies is minute at best. Even when trapped in a child's body, where his powers are not at full potential, he uses a devestating intelligence to make the best of every situation and he always comes out on top. His power constantly grows during the series until it reaches a peak and it becomes clear that it would be hard for anyone to stand against him.

---From the eyes of his companions, Loki is someone to be admired. His children (well.. two of them) would do anything for him, and are fiercely protective of him, as he is of them. Even his rival, Heimdall, freaks out when he turns back into his adult form. Thor views Loki as a friend, and yet still admires his strength, wondering if Loki is the one person in the world that he cannot defeat, but at the same time, not wanting to challange that thought; ater all, he gets free food at Loki's house from Yamino, and without Loki, there goes his food, right? Reiya views Loki as a kind and gentle boy, Freya as someone who captured her heart, and Mayura views Loki as nothing more than a child; she constantly undermines him but in the end, she's appreciate for him always being there for her when she needs him, and she loves him as a friend.

---I guess what I'm trying to say is GO WATCH MATANTEI LOKI RAGNAROK! It's a wonderful anime and Loki is a dynamic and wonderful main character(his child form also has nice legs, while his adult form is such a freaking Bish... of course, that's why he's being swooned over by me right now, isn't it?). You don't learn much about his background in the series, as unfortunate as it is, but you can see him as a person, learn his personality, and just seeing him that way gives you enough reason to blindly love him to DEATH, like I do. Plus, well, I've got a weakness for green eyes. But shh, noone knows that. Hehehe..

Images (click for larger);

Believe in Heaven(3.72MB, .mp3 format, ending theme)
Lyrics can be found here (link to the lyrics on

Bishie of November: Tsuzuki Asato (Yami no Matsuei)
Bishie of December: Kakyou Kuzuki (X/1999)
Bishie of January: Hotohori (Fushigi Yuugi)
Bishie of June: Tsukasa (.hack//SIGN)
