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Basically, for those who don't know, "Kero's Omakase Corner" was a part of the show until episode 34. Basically, Kero would come out and introduce an item that premiered, or has been shown in that particular episode for a whole minute. So, now without furthur a due, I bring you Kero-chan ni Omakase!!!
¨#. Item Kero Checks...
01 Winter School Uniform White Skirt
02 Battle Costume Hat and Ribbon of Costume
03 Blue Battle Costume Hat and Shoes of Costume
04 Pink Battle Costume Wings on Sakura's Head
05 Sakura's House Sakura's Dolls
06 Yellow Battle Costume Communicator Device
07 Kaitou Battle Costume Tomoyo's Wristwatch
08 Pink Battle Costume2 Pink ribbon, Cat's ears
09 Li's Green Robe Li's Sword
10 Cheerleading Outfit Baton Bag
11 Sakura's Various Items Sakura's Portable Phone
12 Fairy Battle Costume School Backpack
13 Summer School Uniform Field Trip Backpack
14 Seijou High School Uniform Touya's Backpack
15 Battle Costume Sakura's Egg-Shaped Backpack
16 Fairy Battle Costume School Backpack
17 School Swimsuit School Shirts and Shorts
18 Yukata Kero's Battle Costume
19+ Kero's Corner reduced to 30 sec.
¨#. Kero Checks...
19 Little Pigs Book
20 Pink Battle Costume
21 Meilin's Clothes
22 Tomoeda Gym Clothes
23 Battle Costume, Music Style
24 Battle Costume, Blue with White Apron
25 Kero's Communicator
26 Sakura's Friends
27 Yukito and Touya's Bikes
28 Fortune cards
29 Cooking Apron
30 Battle Costume
31 Battle Costume
32 Kero's Battle Costumes
30 Tomoeda Winter Gym Clothes
30 End of Kero's Corner
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