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· Links ·
¤ [Digital Dimensions] - Just go, it ownz you.
¤ [Silent Fury] - Good friend, cool guy, leet site. :)
¤ [OnAndOffRoad] - My uncle's site, you MUST go!
¤ [Xplicit-rap] - Lots of stuff about rap artists, etc.
¤ [Allgenerations] - Cool dood.
¤ [Nick's Site] - Some fun stuff.
¤ [Tim's Funny Page] - This site has tons of humor.
¤ [Cooltext] - Need a quick banner? Go here
¤ [DynamicDrive] - Really good html,java site.
¤ [Joe Fishing] - Hamster + Piranhas = Very, very, funny.
¤ [] - Lot's of stuff for Flash/Swish.
¤ [Flashstuff] - Another good site for Flash/Swish.
¤ [M.C Skateboarding ] - Cool site, check it out.
¤ [] - Bored? Go here.

¤ [add your site] - join irond's Links ;)


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