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· Aim Buddy Icons ·

Buddy icons are used for AOL Instant Messanger and are displayed in the lower left hand corner of every IM (instant message). If you're still confused to what a buddy icon is, check out the image below... So download some and customize your AIM :)

How do I select what icon I want?

To select the buddy icon you want, simply right click on the icon you want, then select " Save Picture As.. " then save the picture onto your computer. Then while your logged on AIM, select " People " on the top of your buddy list, then click on " Select Buddy Icon.. " ( it's near the bottom ). Once there click " Browse PC " then locate the icon you had saved, double click, and your finished.


Simply click on the icon you want while your logged on to AIM, it'll ask if you want to save it, just choose, " Yes " and there you go.

Buddy Icon's

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