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· HTML Help ·

Page Forward
Description · Refreshes to a diffrent page ( put in your header )

Typing Text
Description · Makes the text look like somebody is typing it.

Inhanced Text
Description · Wavy, glowed, shadow, and more.

Inhanced Buttons
Description · Change the color, size, font, font size, and border color.

Glowing Text
Description · Makes your text glow.

No Right-Click
Description · Pop-up appears when people right click.

Cursor Trailer
Description · Text that follows the mouse.

Document Crosshair
Description · A crosshair that follows the mouse.

Background Music
Description · Play music in the background.

I-Frame Code
Description · A frame that is inside the document.

Description · Insert a link into the page.

Description · Insert a image into the page.

Marquee Text
Description · Makes the text move across the screen.

Impossible Right-Click
Description · Makes it impossible for people to right-click.