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Name: For: File: Comments:
Graal V.1.41rev1 (The game itself) Graal N/A
Update from 1.4x / to 1.41rev1 Reversion update Update N/A
Loading Image Gets rid of "black screen" while loading. Loading Image N/A
Core Pack (Online Playing) Core Pack A must have.
Level & Graphic Pack (Offline Playing) Level & graphic pack Required to play offline
Sharing Fix Win98 Duel Connections Fix Must have 98 2nd edition
Graal Clock Windows 95/98 Clock (A clock) That runs graal programs and more.
TCN Files:
How it works: You will access my I drive account in which you will be able to downloadanything in the drive that is under the heading storage. Once you have downloaded it you may ask me for the password that the zip will be encoded with. Disclaimer:By downloading these files you also agree to accept any risk that may be involved agree to accept full responisbility for your use of them discounting any other parties than your own. If you do not agree do not download them.
Name: Type/Description: I drive: Sign Up
Get right Saves download progress so that you never lose a download Access  
G2 Program needed to play music on this site Access  
Icq2000 Popular chat program Access  

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