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Texas A&M's Toombs jpg.
  • Texas A&M's Fullback Ja'mar Toombs blasts through a wide open field, racking up 100+ yards against Nebraska. The Aggies upset the stumbling Huskers 28-21.
  • EA FAQs

    space gifThe Questions

    arrow gif  I call a timeout but the playclock shows less than 25 seconds remaining. What's happening?

    In real football when you call a timeout, it stops the game clock and resets the playclock to 25 seconds. This happens in NCAA Football 99 as well. When you call timeout it resets the playclock to 25 and starts counting down as it should. However, there is some animation of the referee giving the signal for a timeout, during which the playclock is counting down. So when you get to the playcalling screen, you will see that you have about 19 or 18 seconds left to call a play. It is recommended that you call timeout while at the playcalling screen.

    arrow gif  Did I just hear the announcer call my name?!?

    One feature of the game is that you can name your players. You cannot edit their abilities (Throwing, Agility, etc.) but you can alter their names to match the actual rosters of your favorite school. And there is an added bonus... if the name you give them is a common name (Smith, Brown, Peterson, ...) the game announcer will actually say their name during play. So instead of "Quarterback sack by number 45", you'll hear "Quarterback sack by Hamilton!" or whatever. Pretty cool, huh?

    arrow gif  Why don't Recruitor visits add up properly?

    In career mode you have to make big decisions in the off-season. One decision is what kind of recruitor you will send to find new players. There are four different types of recruitors; Head Coach, Assistant Coach, Recruiting Coordinator, and Graduate Assistant. Depending on how your team performed the previous season, you will receive more/less "visits" for each of these recruitors. A typical season might give you 2 Head Coach visits, 4 Assistant Coach visits, 8 Coordinator visits, and 12 Assistant visits. These visits are tabulated using the visits mentioned above, if you were to send a Head Coach out to recruit a new lineman the 'visit bank' would show that you now have 1 Head Coach visit left, AND 3 Asst. Coach visits, 7 Coordinator visits, and 10 Assitant visits remaining. These visits are not based on a 1-for-1 trading system. They're linked together, and by choosing to send one type of recruitor out, you're sacrificing the ability send others.

    arrow gif  I spent 2 hours naming my players!! Where are they're names now?!!?

    If a player wants to name all the players on his team then play a dynasty with that team, they're going to have to go to Dynasty mode first, then name the players. It won't work the other way around.

    arrow gif  Why doesn't fatigue seem to affect the game even though I have it on?

    Though football is one of the most grueling games on the planet, player fatigue usually doesn't factor into football. Mainly because when a player is feeling tired, there's two or three guys on the sideline waiting to take his place. However, fatigue will be evident in NCAA Football 99, particularly when playing Junior Varsity level. Look for players that have been active a great deal during the game to begin getting tired in the second half. Fatigued players will appear yellow or red on the playcalling screen.

    arrow gif  I switched teams in the middle of a game, but now I don't have any control, why?

    When switching between teams in the middle of a game, the team selection is one play behind the switch. For example, if you switch from Arizona to Oregon will still control Arizona until the next play, after which you will have Oregon St.

    arrow gif  How do I draft players from NCAA into Madden 99?

    To draft players from the NCAA 99 into Madden 99:

  • Have your NCAA created players on a memory card under a created players file.
  • Insert that memory card into the memory card slot.
  • Highlight the Front Office option and press the X button.
  • Highlight the Draft Player option and press the X button.
  • If you have a NCAA created players file, it will appear on screen as NCAA 99 CREATED PLS ##. Highlight that file and press the X button. What should appear on screen is the list of your NCAA created players. Highlight the players you want in Madden 99 and press the X button. This will place your NCAA created players on the Madden 99 free agent listing.
  • NOTE: You can only draft created players from NCAA 99.

    space gifAttributes Defined

    Here is a chart of the player attributes as defined from those fine folks at EA Sports.

    AGIAgilityThis rating is an important rating for positions such as Halfback and Wide Receiver, where jukes and quick movements are essential.
    SPDSpeedDetermines the Top Speed of the player.
    ACLAccelerationDetermines how quickly a player will reach his top speed.
    AWRAwarenessDetermines how well a player reads/reacts, and is very important for most positions especially Quarterbacks, Linebackers, and Safeties.
    CTHCatchingDetermines the catching ability of a player, very important for Wide Receivers.
    CARCarryingDetermines a players ability to hold onto the ball, important to Running Backs in order to avoid fumbles.
    THPThrowing PowerDetermines the Throwing Power of a player, important to Quarterbacks.
    THAThrowing AccuracyDetermines the Throwing Accuracy of a player, important to Quarterbacks.
    KPWKicking PowerDetermines the Kicking Power of a player, important to Kickers and Punters.
    KACKicking AccuracyDetermines the Kicking Accuracy of a player, important to Kickers and Punters.
    BTKBreak TackleDetermines the how efficient a player is at breaking tackles, important for Running Backs.
    TAKTacklingDetermines the tackling ability of a player, important for Linebackers and Defensive Linemen.
    PBKPass BlockDetermines how well a player will Pass Block, important for Offensive Linemen.
    RBKRun BlockDetermines how well a player will Run Block, important for Offensive Linemen as well as Tight Ends.
    YRSchool YearWhat year that player is in school.

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