Final Elimination

Rusty - "Finally and amazingly the monster has fallen. It took a Trifecta of sorts by both Backlash and Triple D."

Bob - "That's right. It took the Mach 1, The Dominator, and finally the Decimator to eliminate the monster Bluhd Raige."

Rusty - "We're down to the final two in this match. Will Team NEW prevail or will Team XUW succeed? Can Triple D lead us to victory or failure."

Bob - "Shut up already. Let's get back to the match folks."

Down in the ring, Triple D, and Backlash are exchanging blows. Triple D gets the upperhand and drops Backlash with a DDT. He then follows it up with a few punches to the skull of Backlash. Triple D then picks Backlash back up and whips him into the ropes. Triple D goes for the Lou Thesz press, but Backlash turns it into a spinebuster, driving Triple D into the mat.

Triple D rolls around on the mat, holding his back as Backlash watches on contemplating his next move. Triple D makes it back to his feet, just in time to get clotheslined back down to the mat. Once again Triple D slowly gets to his feet. Backlash runs full speed at Triple D. Out of no where Triple D nails a superkick knocking Backlash to the mat.

Rusty - "Pure desperation move there."

Triple D is the first to his feet. Backlash is not far behind. Vulcan suddenly emerges from backstage, carrying over his shoulder a tombstone. The name carved into the tombstone cannot be seen as it is covered by his shoulder. Back in the ring Triple D and Backlash are matching each other punch for punch.

Bob - "Vulcan is making his way down to the ring. He's getting ready to bury the XUW for good once Triple D defeats Backlash."

Rusty - "Isn't that being a little too confindent?"

Bob - "No it's not. Vulcan is the leader of Team XUW and he's showing his support by being out here. He believes in the ability of Triple D to get the job done."

Vulcan finally reaches the ring. He slides the tombstone into the ring. He slides in right behind it. Triple D nails Backlash with a standing dropkick knocking him back to the corner. Vulcan picks up the tombstone and readies it to hit Backlash with it as he slowly gets to his feet. Triple D watches in anticipation with a smile across his face. Backlash gets to his feet. Vulcan swings the tombstone...

Rusty - "NO!! IT CAN'T BE!"

Bob - "He just took his head off. Look at all that blood."

Vulcan nails Triple D with the tombstone busting him wide open, and knocking him out. Backlash looks on and laughs. Vulcan picks up the bloody and unconcious Triple D. He drops Triple D Six Feet Under. Backlash walks over and picks Triple D back up. Backlash then drops Triple D with the Mach 1. Finally Backlash makes the cover and the referee reluctantly makes the count.

Referee - "1.....2......3!"


Match Segments

1st Elimination
2nd Elimination
3rd Elimination
4th Elimination
5th Elimination
6th Elimination
7th Elimination
8th Elimination
Final Elimination
The Aftermath