1st Elimination

Rusty - "Well the time has finally come. It's a 5 on 5 team, 10 men, facing off in the classic Survivor Series Type Match. The match starts out with two men from each team in the ring. Those 4 men face off in a tag format match. When one person either is pinned or submit. That wrestler is then eliminated and the next member of the respective team will come out. When one team members have all been eliminated then the opposing team will have won the match. Well Bob, why don't you tell us the teams."

Bob - "Sure thing Rusty. First is our very own Team NEW. The consist of our leader and Overseas Champion Vulcan, People's Champion Triple D, Frase Mysterio, Hardcore Champion Fang, and the living legend Jay Raze. Now for Team XUW. There leader Owner of the XUW Backlash, Former World Champion Showstopper, Too Much Blake Dorian, Rage, and finally the monster known as BLuhd Raige."

Rusty - "There's are our two teams. Team NEW going against Team XUW. The Invasion reaches new heights tonight. So let's not waste anymore time. Let the main event of Wrestlemania begin..."

"YO THINK YO PRETTY! FUCK DAT! I'M PRETTY!" blasts across the arena. "Get Low" begins to play directly afterwards, as Too Much Blake Dorian makes his way down to the ring to represent Team XUW.

Shortly after Blake Dorian reaches the ring, "Many Men" by 50 Cent blares across the arena. Rage appears and makes his way down to the ring to join Blake Dorian. Team XUW first 2 representatives are now in the ring.

XWO music hits the arena as Frase Mysterio, One-half of the tag team champions makes his way to just outside the ring waitiing for the second member to make his way out. Suddenly the lights go out on him.

An eerie blue glow begins to shine on the entrance as smoke and mist shoot up from the ground, "Dawn of the Dead" by Murderdolls blares as Vulcan emerges from the smoke and mist and runs down to the ring.

Frase and Blake waste no time in getting things started as the bell sounds. Frase runs at Blake and catches him with a spinning heel kick. Knocking Blake to the mat, Blake is quick to get to his feet, and delivers a few punches to Frase, Blake then kicks Frase in the stomach and delivers a quick DDT driving Frase's head into the mat.

Frase makes his way back to his feet only to be met with a hurricarana from Blake. Somehow Frase manages to land on his feet. Frase then clotheslines Blake sending Blake hard to the mat. Frase attempts a quick legdrop, but isn't quick enough as Blake moves, and Frase hits nothing but mat. Blake then nails Frase with a standing dropkick. Frase is quick to get back to his feet.

Frase then nails Blake with a massive DDT. Frase then turns and looks at Vulcan as if to say, Did you just see what I did. Meanwhile Blake is back on his feet, and is now waiting atop the turnbuckle behind Frase. Vulcan tries to warn Frase, but it's too late. As Frase turns around, Blake leaps off the top turnbuckle and plants Frase with the Glamour Drop. Blake then makes the cover. The referee makes the count.

Referee - "1.....2.....3!"

ELIMINATED:Frase Mysterio

Match Segments

1st Elimination
2nd Elimination
3rd Elimination
4th Elimination
5th Elimination
6th Elimination
7th Elimination
8th Elimination
Final Elimination
The Aftermath