6th Elimination

Bob - "Bluhd Raige is completely irate at Showstopper for costing him the NEW Overseas Titles as well as the XUW Universal Championship."

Bluhd Raige rushes the ring, and immediately goes after Showstopper. In a complete rampage, Bluhd Raige begins the Trifecta meant for Vulcan onto Showstopper. Bluhd Raige first puts Showstopper into the Code Red. Followed directly by Down The Barrel. Showstopper by this time is not moving an inch. Bluhd Raige then picks the lifeless body of Showstoppper and lifts him high above the ring. Blood Raige looks straight at Fang.

Just then "Yo Yo It's Me It's Me, It's Triple D" followed by the rock's music begins to play as the crowd erupts into cheers. Bluhd looks up the ramp with Showstopper still suspended high above his head. As Triple D appears from behind the curtains, Bluhd Raige finishes out the Trifecta with Spinning The Chamber. Showstopper lays motionless on the mat, not even a single nerve twitches in his body.

Bluhd Raige then takes off up the ramp to meet Triple D. The two meet with fists flying. Meanwhile back in the ring, Fang has slid back into the ring, and has covered the lifeless body of Showstopper.

Referee - "1.....2......3!"

ELIMINATED: Showstopper

Match Segments

1st Elimination
2nd Elimination
3rd Elimination
4th Elimination
5th Elimination
6th Elimination
7th Elimination
8th Elimination
Final Elimination
The Aftermath