4th Elimination

Bob - "That's another one down on TEAM NEW! Putting TEAM XUW once again up by one."

"Won't Back Down" blares and Fang begins to make his way down to the ring. The Rage Slam took a lot out of Rage. Vulcan captitalizes on this. He rushes at Rage and delivers a clothesline from on him. Rage slowly gets to his feet. Rage then swings at Vulcan, but Vulcan meets him with a kick to the midsection followed directly by the Six Feet Under. Rage lays motionless on the mat. Vulcan then makes the cover on Rage.

Referee - "1.....2.....3!


Match Segments

1st Elimination
2nd Elimination
3rd Elimination
4th Elimination
5th Elimination
6th Elimination
7th Elimination
8th Elimination
Final Elimination
The Aftermath