5th Elimination

Bob - "Now Stars are beginning to fall like flies. Vulcan and Rage were two of the first people out in this match. One of them had to be eliminated sooner or later, and it looks like it was Rage's turn to lose."

Rusty - "What did you expect Redneck, Vulcan is our NEW Overseas Champion, and apparently he is also the XUW Universal Champion."

Bob - "Speaking of which, who's next for team XUW."

~ Suddenly the arena begins to dim as "A MAN" by Cypress Hill begins to fill the arena. Vulcan turns his attention to the entrance ramp as Bluhd Raige appears and begins to make his way down to the ring. Vulcan taunts Bluhd Raige urging him to come to the ring faster... ~

Rusty - "Well the times come folks. If Bluhd Raige can eliminate Vulcan, Bluhd will not only become the NEW Overseas Champion, but the XUW Universal Champion as well. But if Vulcan eliminates Bluhd Raige then Bluhd will never recieve a title shot at Vulcan again. As long as Vulcan holds a title, Bluhd cannot challenge him for it."


Rusty - "What is it Redneck?"

Bob - "Our Overseas Champion has just been eliminated from the match."

Rusty - "What! How?"

Bob - "Vulcan was paying so much attention to Bluhd Raige making his way down to the ring that he forgot about Showstopper. Showstopper caught Vulcan with a schoolboy for the 1-2-3"

Rusty - "Look at Vulcan's face, He's...He's...Smiling"

Bob - "Well of course he is. By him getting eliminated before Bluhd even made it to the ring. It destroys any chance any chance at all that Bluhd had at becoming champion here tonight in this match. Just look at Bluhd Raige's face. He's furious."


Match Segments

1st Elimination
2nd Elimination
3rd Elimination
4th Elimination
5th Elimination
6th Elimination
7th Elimination
8th Elimination
Final Elimination
The Aftermath