3rd Elimination

Rusty - "Blake is gone. That evens this match back. Both teams now have 1 member eliminated."

Bob - "Great teamwork there shown by Vulcan and Jay Raze."

"U Not Like Me" by 50 cent fills the arena as the former World Champion Showstopper begins to make his way down to the ring. Meanwhile Jay has tagged Vulcan back into the match. Rage tackles Vulcan, but Vulcan then reverses it into a an anklelock. Rage quickly makes it to the ropes, forcing Vulcan to release the hold.

Rage now back on his feet hits Vulcan with a hard right. Followed by a kick to the stomach and a DDT. Vulcan lays on the mat for only a second before sitting up. Rage immediately nails Vulcan with a boot to the head. Vulcan fails back down only to sit back up. Rage is furious, and nails Vulcan with a running boot. Vulcan once again falls back down, only to sit up a third time. Rage cannot believe his eyes.

Vulcan gets to his feet. Rage swings blindly at Vulcan. Rage completely misses and Vulcan drives a knee into Rage's gut. Vulcan then tags in Jay Raze. Jay Raze thinking Rage is injured walks toward him with no worries. All of a sudden out of nowhere Rage springs up and drives his foot into the midsection of Jay Raze. Rage then delivers the Rage Slam onto Jay Raze. Vulcan cannot believe what he's seeing. Rage makes the cover on Jay Raze.

Referee - "1....2.....3!"


Match Segments

1st Elimination
2nd Elimination
3rd Elimination
4th Elimination
5th Elimination
6th Elimination
7th Elimination
8th Elimination
Final Elimination
The Aftermath