The Sturgeon View By: Benzilla

The only column on that gives you purpose to visit...its true! This site was pretty freakin hot at one point in time, and then Izzy left to get upgraded to the front page, and Cody Carlson's column never made it...I'll say because he is a dickcheese. But in anycase, I'm here to rant about whatever the hell I'd like and hope you feel like reading...and keeping 4ork alive by visiting it. I just gotta find more content to put on it. Oh yeah, go for Mr. F'n T over on the poll I made, its pretty dumb but I thought it was funny.

So as you may or may not know, I got to be/pretend to be an interviewer for a day at the June 25th ACW show in Brussles, and you know the tape for it will eventually be released, and the Jew Powers That Be just might use some of the interviews...and you know you want to buy that tape! I get choked by Lasher, and Balls gets me to admit I've been cockblocked on many occasions, and Adrian Serrano seems to be on the verge of beating the shit outta me at any moment during the interview. Again, the Jew Power may not use it, but if he does buy that tape! Okay, I'm done whoring it out now.

What other stuff to rant about...well, as you all know (or are about too) I'm currently unemployed and I just may end my streak of 4 consecutive months of sitting on my ass come tomarrow! I'm hoping some lady calls my cell telling me I've gotta job, as much fun as sitting on your ass is/was, having a job would be nice.

You know, I had just a huge amount of crap I was going to talk about on here, and then I forgot. Damn it. Umm...well on the September 4th show Dan and I will be celebrating our 1st year in ACW. I have no idea what we'll do, maybe we should hold some sort of tailgating party like we used to back in the Neng Yee days? Then again with all of the shit to do for set up, ect I/us/all of the Jedi Knights may be unable to even enjoy it...well we'll think of something, I'm sure of it.

If you know what an efed is, check out the one Nick and I are doing, this is to keep alive the fact that we are geeks & dorks. You can check it out by going to I won't link it for you, you can copy 'n paste it. Take that. There's alot of inside jokes associated with it...many many many. Oh here's another site that needs some luv: Nick's Blog. Nick hates old people.

And I'm introducing something new to my column, the atleast monthly "Your A Lameass" Awards. This month, the "Your A Lameass" Award goes to the Chicago Cubs for losing THREE FREAKING GAMES STRAIGHT to the Brewers and thus costing me 2 cases of canned beverages to one Izzy Awsome for some fest of rock and or roll....bastard Cubs. Izzy and I are going to see them play at Miller Park August 17th....they had better not lose there. God damn them.

On a last note, as the Co-Founder of The Stew Crew, and with alot of people wanting me to make them shirts, here's a way to do it that'll work out better:

Couple of other things too if you use the "Buy It Now" Paypal button, make sure you email me what size shirt you want...or else I'll just assume XL. Also, I'm not sure if it asks for it but give me an address to ship it too also. If you don't have a paypal account or don't want to pay 3 bucks for shipping, look for me at the next ACW event and slip me 10 bucks and I'll have the shirt for you at the next show...or slip me 13 bucks and I'll have it sent to you.

And now per request, a paragraph on how cool Busty Loads is. You ever here him do color commentary on one of the ACW Video tapes? Its some pretty funny stuff, he can do a good Dusty Rhodes impression. And he's more hardcore then I am, no way I'm getting suplexed on to friggin' bleachers...I'd probably let someone throw me into a porta-shitter though. I know the lady that was inside of it too at the show, she freaked. And as if you didn't need more reason's to go to Hardkore Havok, the Loads Bros. are going to be there for your entertainment, so be there! Oh, and he's got Mike Awesome on his AOL Insta-Messanger...that makes him more cool then the rest of us...I don't have him on mine....none of you do either do you, and that's all more Awesome then Izzy....I was trying to be funny there, I'll just stop.

And on all that, this 8th column/rant/blog is completed. I'll be back with number nine as soon as someone buys a Stew Crew'll automatically become the 2nd coolest person I know.

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Sturgeon View: Episode One

Sturgeon View: Episode Two

Sturgeon View: Episode Three

Sturgeon View: Episode Four

Sturgeon View: Episode Five

Sturgeon View: Episode Six

Sturgeon View: Episode Seven