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As tempestuous, exuberant April moves closer to the gentle blooms of May, the solid, Earth sign, Taurus takes centre stage. While Taurus is traditionally ruled by pleasure seeking, erotic Venus, she is has a closer connection to the Earth than any other sign. Those born between April 21 and May 22, are members of this fixed, earth tribe.

Unlike her elder brother, Aries, Taurus is traditionally slow to move, almost impossible to be moved and equally impossible to stop once she (Taurus is considered a feminine sign) starts moving. Like her earth sisters, Virgo and Capricorn, Taurus is concerned with tangible reality and hands on experience. Unlike them, she is concerned with what she can do, own or accomplish for herself.

As a Taurus, your purpose is to validate your own existence and sense of self by acquiring and using personal resources. You need your efforts to count for something and much of your self-respect is tied up in this effort. The key to this quest is, exactly what resources do you claim or wish to have for yourself ? What are your assets? What assets are most valued in your life? They could be material, intellectual, emotional or even spiritual. You could put physical strength, health and beauty at the top of your list and pour your energy into that objective. You could also focus on financial & material acquisitions, or on gaining the respect and admiration of others. In any case, the quality of your life will be based on what you desire and how well you manage your assets.

Taurus can be the most enduring, quietly determined, obstinate and productive member of the zodiac. She is equally capable of awesome generosity, faithfulness and sentimentality. Nevertheless, a Taurus needs to be respected and valued. If you find yourself in a position where you are not, or lose your self-respect, you are inclined to withdraw behind an impenetrable mask or waste your time and talents on unworthy or meaningless activities.

Irrespective of your choices, your gifts are the capacity to take your time, to build something worthwhile and enduring, to resist external pressures, while being all too aware of what people really need. In antiquity, Taurus was associated with fertility, with sexuality and reproduction. Today, Taurus is more associated with the rhythms, the needs and the beauty of the Earth herself. In any case, as an Earth child of you owe it to yourself to enjoy her riches, beauty and nature, as well as work to safeguard them.

On or around May 21, its time for the most inquisitive, clever, and communicative sign of the zodiac, Gemini.


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