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A Child of Revolution & Innovation

If you were born between January 21 and February 21, chances are your Sun sign falls under the aegis of Aquarius, a fixed Air sign.

As an Aquarian, you are affable, social, and friendly as a rule. At times, you could even be called complacent and a conformer. Nevertheless, The transpersonal planet, Uranus is Aquarius's ruling planet. Subsequent to the American and French revolution,easy going Aquarius, would be associated with social, political and massive cultural changes. Since Uranus symbolizes change, revolution, technology and independence, it encourages even the most complacent Aquarian, to ponder on the future and the consequences of technological & social innovation.

As a charter member of the Air family, Aquarius has an objective, detached, intellectual perspective on life. They dislike conflict while enjoying intelligent, logical debate. However, their real talent is for friendship and while they are magnetic and opinionated, are extremely loyal to their friends and associates. Perhaps one of the most difficult things for an Aquarian's family or partner to understand, is that they often seem more interested in strangers, in a cause, club or movement than in their intimate relationships. Aquarians are often very uncomfortable with feelings, visible display of emotions or emotional neediness. Like all Air signs Aquarius wants things to make sense and often indulges in analyzing, dissecting, and assessing facts, ideas and beliefs. Sometimes, the Aquarian native gets so involved in abstract, logical processes, he fails to come to a conclusion or move into action. He might consider himself an "Idea Person", leaving the practical details and actions to less abstracted fellows.

However, Aquarius's task is to find and support those causes which will better the human condition. He has a gift for responding to social need, for identifyingand articulating it. His true arena is that of the civic leader and supporter, the reformer and social activist. He is the one to bring people together, to encourage collective social action and to introduce his fellows to a dream worth pursuing and bringing into being. In many ways, Aquarius is one of the most selfless and altruistic signs in the zodiac can and will sacrifice his career family, and security to help a cause or a friend. Like all air signs Aquarius is restless,curious and often too easily influenced by his associates. He can be easily taken advantage of or used by less high minded types. This is one reason why choosing the right guide and companions for his journey through life is as important as following the right dream.

Those born under Aquarius need to ask the right questions at the right time and can easily be lost if they stop asking why. He also needs to accept the Saturnian rules of order,duty, limitation and obedience to the standards of the collective. Otherwise, he can play the role of rebellious youth, Peter Pan, or idle dreamer and fail to experience the uniqueness, the freedom and the independence which is his Uranus legacy.

Being ruled by a transpersonal planet, is not easy for those who confuse independence with irresponsibility or freedom with license. While Uranus seeks to break down the status quo and the obsolete rules imposed by past conditions, It takes knowledge, experience and self-discipline to know how and when to use its revolutionary energies. Perhaps the greatest task of those born under this sign is to know which rules need breaking and for what purposes freedom is to be used.

On or about Febuary 21, the Sun will move into Pisces, the sign of mysticism, poetry and compassion.


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