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Moving Toward Spring

Poet, Dreamer, Dancer, Healer, The Last sign in the zodiac has a touch of all these gifts. It is also the most mysterious,confused and irrational of the signs. If you were born between February 21 and March 20th, your Sun falls in the Mutable water sign, Pisces.Your Planetary ruler, Neptune the guardian of mysticism, illusion and your watery element draws you towards transcendence and quickens the spark of healing and empathy within you.

Drawn between an unknowable future and the pain and comfort of a familiar past, your true purpose is self-transformation and rebirth. Your theme is the Little Mermaid's, who abandoned the security of the sea.

for a dream of love. The poor mermaid traded in her tail for a pair of legs and every step she took on dry land was a step on sharp knives. While Pisceans can take on the characteristics of every sign in the zodiac, can be as earthy as Taurus, as detached as Aquarius or as accomplished as Capricorn, their essence is deeply emotional and their need is to heal and be healed.

A Piscean can take on the pain and distress of others and needs a sanctuary to retreat to. As a Piscean, your greatest weakness is the desire to escape from the burdens you have unwittingly taken on. You want to live in a peaceful world surrounded by loving people, but are only too aware of the Human condition. Your need to serve and share is very real, but so too is your need for solitude and peace.

Your greatest strength is your imagination coupled with an almost universal empathy. Exquisite taste, imaginative creativity and sensitivity are hallmarks of your way of life. You may withdraw, you may be caught up in the emotional webs other people spin, but you will always care for those in distress and express love through your healing touch.

If your birthday falls during the last 8 or nine days of March, You are the eternal child, the youthful, single minded, assertive Aries. (March 20.)


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