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A Call to Nobility and Individuality

Outgoing? expressive? dominating? proud? The fixed, fire sign, Leo has been described this way. However, the essence of Leo, his typical way of being depends on what the Leo native believes is true about himself. Leo’s are engaged in the process of creativity and what they are creating is a sense of Self, an image, a mirror to hold up to the world and to their own selves.

As a member of the Fire clan, Leo strives toward’s self-reliance. He or she will create this sense of being out of the raw material of his childhood. However, Leo will pick only those things which seem signifigent to him. If poverty, degradation and neglect form his environment, Leo’s self image, his way of projecting himself, will mirror this and he will be very unlikely to appear as the bold and noble king of the zodiac. If the Leo child is given the tools of esteem, respect, expressiveness and love, then the brilliant light of a truly noble and creative being will shine forth. Either way, once the little lion has created an appropriate (to him) concept/image of what and who he is, external forces are unlikely to change it! Fire signs rely almost totally on their own experience and fixed signs can’t be pushed around, even if it is for their own good! This is why it is essential for those born between July 20 and August 19th or 20th, to believe in themselves, to know in their heart of hearts that they are creative, positive, thoughtful and noble beings.

lacking such a sense Leo will make life miserable for himself and for others. Leo requires attention, praise, applause and recognition. It can be generous, hospitable, willful, and a true exemplar of the highest in human nature. However, Leo’ pride can lead to hubris, arrogance, intransigence and a refusal to listen to any point of view except his own. If this happen’s the proud Leo will withdraw, nurse its grievances and refuse to commit to anything or anyone.This is why one should never insult, embarrass, or shame a Leo, particularly in front of others. They do not forgive slights or emotional injury easily.

Leo is a natural leader and often assumes the task of directing others. It is a sign often addicted to drama and occasionally over-dramatizes itself and its experiences. However, as the Leo matures, the drive toward leadership can turn into cooperation, encouragement and mentorship. The healthy Leo enjoys and respects children and his zest for life and natural dynamism can be infectious.

If Leo is the sign of illumination, than its greatest weakness is an inability to recognize its shadow. Its dynamic power can be overwhelming, and its moods often overwhelm those closest to it. This can be particularly difficult for the female Leo. Men often feel intimidated by the lioness’s power and intensity. Her desire for personal emotional fulfillment can be perceived as egocentric or selfish, and the Lioness is seldom happy with a wimpy mate. Nevertheless, she needs someone to shine on and warm up and is unlikely to be happy on her own.

The Leo who has overcome his or her fears, self-pride,and vanity, who operates from the heart can be a blessing to all that know him. These are the the heroes and heroines, the exemplars, the living examples of individualism and nobility.

On 0r around August 20, the firey, solar power of Leo will give way to the introspective, service oriented sign of Virgo.


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