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RAINOUT NUMBER 817-462-8441 EMAIL Phone 817-795-AGSA(2472) 2021 S. Cooper St STE E, 76010


Code of Conduct



Coaches Corner









Approved by the

Arlington Girls Softball Association Membership

May 26, 1970

Amended, January 1996

Amended February 16, 1997

Revised November 11, 1997

Amended February 5, 2001

Amended January 13, 2002

Amended January 2003

(New text in bold black type.)



Section 1. Name
Section 2. Duration
Section 3. Government
Section 4. Fiscal Year
Section 5. Funds received, Bills, Notes, Checks, Etc.



Section 1. Members
Section 2. Membership Fee
Section 3. Obligations of Members


Section 1. Annual Meeting
Section 2. Regular Meetings
Section 3. Special Called Meetings
Section 4. Notice of Meetings
Section 5. Quorum
Section 6. Voting


Section 1. Governing Bodies
Section 2. Officers
Section 3. Length of Terms
Section 4. Voting
Section 5. Proxies
Section 6. Meetings
Section 7. Quorum
Section 8. Minutes
Section 9. Nominating of Officers
Section 10. Eligibility

Section 11. Resignation of Officers
Section 12. Removal of Officers
Section 13. Bonding


Section 1. Sitting Board of Directors Duties
Section 2. Individual Director Duties

A. President
B. Vice President - Major League
C. Vice President - Minor League
D. Vice President - Mini League
E. Commissioners of 19 & Over, 18 & Under, 16 & Under, 14 & Under, 12 & Under, 10 & Under, 8 & Under, and 6 & Under
F. Fields and Equipment Director
G. Tournament Director
H. Treasurer
I. Secretary
J. Publicity Director
K. Arlington All Sports Council Representative
L. Past President
M. Umpire in Chief

Section 3. - Duties of Other AGSA Officials

A. Umpire Instructor
B. Umpire Scheduler
C. Membership Chairman
D. Criminal Background Chairman
E. Website Chairman


Section 1. Leagues
Section 2. Divisions


Section 1. Standing Rules
Section 2. League Rules
Section 3. Rules of Play



Section 1. Procedure
Section 2. Announcement


Section 1. Name
The name of the organization shall be the Arlington Girls Softball Association. Whenever the terms "AGSA" or "Association" are used, they shall refer to and mean the Arlington Girls Softball Association.

Section 2. Duration
The duration of AGSA shall be perpetual, or until it is dissolved as provided for in these bylaws. In the event of the dissolution of AGSA, the officers of the Association shall act as agents for the membership and shall turn over all AGSA assets (physical and liquid) to another nonprofit organization dedicated to serving the youth in Arlington, Texas.

Section 3. Government
These bylaws shall govern the members and regulate the affairs of AGSA.

Section 4. Fiscal Year
For financial purposes, the fiscal year for the Association shall be from January 1 to the following December 31.

Section 5. Funds received, Bills, Notes, Checks, Etc.
All funds received by AGSA shall be used to promote girls softball. All funds received by any representative of AGSA shall be surrendered to the Treasurer within seven (7) calendar days of receipt unless other arrangements have been made with the Treasurer. All bills payable, notes, checks, or other negotiable instruments of AGSA shall be made in the name of AGSA and shall be signed by the President or the Treasurer or the Secretary and shall be countersigned by any of the previous (excluding the signer) including any individual appointed by the president. No officer or member of AGSA acting singly or jointly with others shall have the power to make any bills payable, notes, checks, drafts, warrants, or negotiable instruments of any description or nature or endorse the same in the name of AGSA or contract or cause to be contracted any debt or liability in the name of or on behalf of AGSA except as expressly prescribed and provided in these bylaws. Exception: Expenditures under $100 (one hundred dollars) may be authorized by the President or one of the Vice Presidents. Expenditures in any amount may be authorized by a vote of the Board of Directors.

Section 6. Refund Policy

AGSA will refund the full amount of any registration fees received by any player if requested before league games have been scheduled for the season. If a player has participated in 1 or more games and requests a refund, no refund will be given unless AGSA deems itself responsible for not providing a reasonable opportunity for the player to continue play. (For example, if a team folds then AGSA will place those players on other teams if possible. If a player refuses to play for another team, then AGSA reserves the right not to refund any registration fees received.)



The purpose of the Arlington Girls Softball Association is:

A. To operate a nonprofit girls fast pitch softball association.

B. To promote girls softball in Arlington, Texas by developing good players, promoting fun and team spirit and promoting and teaching good sportsmanship to all players, coaches, parents and fans.

C. To ensure girls have the opportunity to play softball throughout their school years, subject to limitations of facilities and size and number of teams.


Section 1. Members
The following constitutes the membership of AGSA:

A. Members of the AGSA Board of Directors

B. Registered coaches, assistant coaches and team managers

C. AGSA Umpire in Chief, umpire instructor, umpire scheduler, membership chairman, website chairman, and concession stand chairman.

D. A parent or guardian of an AGSA registered player may become a member upon payment of the membership fee.

E. Any other person, upon payment of the membership fee, may become a member by being approved by the Board of Directors.

NOTE: Registered coaches, assistant coaches, team managers and players are those who are on a current, official team roster and have a completed Managers/Coaches Contract or Player Contract on file with their respective league commissioner.

Section 2. Membership Fee
The Membership Fee is waived until otherwise amended.

Section 3. Obligations of Members
Members of the Association shall accept and agree to abide by these Bylaws. Failure to abide by these bylaws can
result in forfeiture of membership. When a violation is reported, the Board of Directors shall determine if a violation occurred. If a violation did occur, the Board of Directors may cancel the individual's membership and may give written notification to the individual of such cancellation.


Section 1. Annual Meeting
The annual general membership meeting shall be held in May each year. The purpose of this meeting is for the election of officers who shall take office on July 1.

Section 2. Regular Meetings
General membership meetings shall be held each month in January, February, March and August. The meeting date for the following month shall be set at each of these meetings.

Section 3. Special Called Meetings
Special called general membership meetings must be called by the President at the request of any two officers.

Section 4. Notice of Meetings
The Secretary shall send a written notification to each AGSA member for all general membership meetings. This notice shall state the place, day and hour of the meeting and shall be mailed and/or emailed if possible not less than seven (7) days nor more than thirty (30) days before the date of the meeting.

Section 5. Quorum
At all general membership meetings the presence of ten (10) or more members in good standing shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business (except bylaws amendments). The vote by the majority of those constituting the quorum shall be binding on all AGSA members. In the absence of a quorum, the President shall adjourn the meeting and may
set a new date not to exceed thirty (30) days from that date.

Section 6. Voting
Any member in good standing, in accordance with Article III, Section 2, is entitled to vote at all general membership meetings. No member shall cast more than one (1) vote on any issue or in the election of any officer. Proxy voting at any general membership meeting is not allowed.


Section 1. Governing Bodies
The governmental powers and general administration of the AGSA shall be vested in the Board of Directors in accordance with the bylaws provided herein. The final control of the AGSA shall be vested in the membership.

Section 2. Officers
The AGSA Board of Directors shall consist of the following officers:

A. President (Chairman of the Board)

B. Vice President - Major League

(1) Commissioner of 19 & Over

(2) Commissioner of 18 & Under

(3) Commissioner of 16 & Under

(4) Commissioner of 14 & Under

C. Vice President - Minor League

(1) Two (2) Commissioners of 12 & Under

(2) Two (2) Commissioners of 10 & Under

D. Vice President - Mini League

(1) Commissioner of 8 & Under

(2) Commissioner of 6 & Under

E. Fields and Equipment Director

F. Tournament Director

G. Treasurer

H. Secretary

I. Publicity Director

J. Arlington All Sports Council Representative

K. Past President of AGSA - NOTE: This position shall be filled by the most current past President. If the most current past President vacates this position it shall remain vacant until a new President is elected. This position is an honorary position accorded all the rights and privileges of an AGSA member. The membership fee for this individual shall be waived.

L. Umpire in Chief - NOTE: This is a non-voting position and is appointed by the president subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.

Section 3. Length of Terms
Each member of the Board of Directors shall serve from July 1 thru December 31 of the following year. There should be a 6 month overlap to allow for training during the Fall Season.
To serve on the Board of Directors, an individual must be a member of AGSA in good standing at the time of the nomination and election. Any exception must be approved by the incumbent Board of Directors.

Section 4. Voting
Each member of the Board of Directors shall be entitled to one vote. In the event of a tie, the President shall cast the deciding vote. All issues shall be decided by a majority vote of the Board of Directors except as may otherwise be provided in these bylaws.

Section 5. Proxies
Proxy voting shall be allowed at all duly-convened Board meetings within the AGSA provided the proxies are in writing. These written proxies shall include the date and the issue being voted on, and shall be submitted to the President in order to be valid.

Section 6. Meetings

A. The Board of Directors shall convene for the transaction of business each month. Meeting dates shall be set at the beginning of the year.

B. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the President providing seven (7) days notice.

C. There shall be no restriction on business conducted at any meeting of the Board of Directors. However, if an agenda is prepared it should be followed, allowing time for new business before the meeting is adjourned.

D. The location of the meetings of the Board of Directors shall be determined by the President and announced at the immediately proceeding Board meeting when practical.

Section 7. Quorum
A quorum shall consist of a majority of the voting members of the Board of Directors.

Section 8. Minutes
The Secretary shall keep a written record (minutes) of the Board of Directors proceedings. In the absence of the Secretary, the President shall appoint a Board member present to fulfill this duty. These minutes shall be approved and made official at the following Board of Directors meeting.

Section 9. Nominating of Officers
The President shall appoint a maximum of one AGSA member from each grade or age bracket to serve on the nominating committee. The nominating committee shall have a minimum of six (6) members. The members of this committee shall be appointed (prior to) and announced to the general membership not later than the March general membership meeting. The nominating committee shall meet in April to prepare a slate of nominees for the annual general membership meeting in May. An attempt should be made to have more than one nominee for each Board of Directors position. The nominating committee shall only solicit nominees from the general membership. Nominations may be made from the floor at the annual general membership meeting.

Section 10. Eligibility
The spouse or ex-spouse of a member of the Board of Directors shall not concurrently hold an office on the Board of Directors.

Section 11. Resignation and appoiontment of Officers
An officer may resign at any time, either by giving oral resignation at a Board of Directors meeting, or by notifying the President. The vacancy shall be filled at the next annual
general membership meeting. The Board of Directors may appoint another person for the vacant position until the next annual general membership meeting. Any position not filled can be filled with the approval of the majority of Board Members present at any Board meeting.

Section 12. Removal of Officers
A. An officer may be removed from the Board of Directors, at any time, following the same procedure used in amending these bylaws.

B. A Member of the Board of Directors who has two (2) consecutive, or four (4) accumulated, unexcused absences from Board meetings during the term of office, may be removed and the office declared vacant by the President, if confirmed by the Board of Directors.

C. An officer removed by these means shall not be eligible for reelection for a period of one year.

D. A vacant Board of Directors position shall be filled following the same procedure in ARTICLE V, Section 11.

Section 13. Bonding

A. The Officers of AGSA will be bonded at the expense of AGSA as follows:

1. Treasurer $20,000

2. All other Officers $10,000

B. All newly elected officers are required to furnish any and all information required to be bonded.


Section 1. Sitting Board of Directors Duties
The AGSA Board of Directors duties shall be inclusive of but not limited to:

A. the general administration of the associations affairs.

B. making final decisions on suspensions and disciplinary actions of AGSA members.

C. setting players fees and confirming player eligibility.

D. establishing supplemental AGSA playing rules

E. establishing playing facilities and number of teams in each league.

F. preparing the annual budget to be presented at the February Board of Directors meeting.

Section 2. Individual Director Duties

A. President

1. Ensure that all AGSA business is conducted in accordance with these bylaws.

2. Preside at all regular meetings, Board of Directors meetings, and special meetings.

3. Appoint committees and act as ex-officio member.

4. Break any tie vote resulting from any ballot decision.

5. Countersign orders and checks except as noted in ARTICLE I, Section 5.

6. Call meetings in accordance with these bylaws.

7. Represent AGSA in the North Texas Girls Softball Association and will provide the AGSA BOD with a summary of that organizations meetings.

8. Perform other such duties as the BOD shall prescribe.

9. Will conduct criminal background check on all registered coaches, assistant coaches and team managers.

B. Vice President - Major League in conjunction with and supported by the Commissioners of 19 & Over, 18 & Under, 16 & Under and 14 & Under

1.Vice President - Major League will preside at all regular meetings, Board of Directors meetings, and special meetings in the absence of the President.

2. Vice President - Major League will preside over all Major League meetings.

3. Vice President - Major League will post Major League team standings on a weekly basis and will report all scores to the Publicity Director.

4. Prepare a Major League budget for approval by the Board of Directors.

5. Help to resolve any issues that may arise that the commissioners need help.

6. Chronologically reschedule legal make-up games submitted by commissioners. i.e. first rain-outs, first to play make up games.

7. Collect team rosters (to include contracts for managers, coaches, and players) by their respective leagues from the commissioners. These documents will be passed on to the following seasons league commissioner's.

8. Prepare season tournament schedules and brackets for the Major League in coordination with the Tournament Director.

9. Coordinate field preparation of the Major League fields with the Fields and Equipment Director.

10. Present trophies to each age division.

11. Fulfill commissionerís duties in case of vacancy or neglect by commissioner.

12. Perform other such duties as the Board of Directors shall prescribe.


C. Vice President - Minor League in conjunction with and supported by the Commissioners of 12 & Under and 10 & Under

1. Vice President - Minor League will preside at all regular meetings, Board of Directors meetings, and special meetings in the absence of the President and the Vice President - Major League.

2. Vice President - Minor League will preside over all Minor League meetings.

3. Vice President - Minor League will post Minor League team standings on a weekly basis and will report all scores to the Publicity Director.

4. Prepare a Minor League budget for approval by the Board of Directors.

5. Help to resolve any issues that may arise that the commissioners need help.

6. Chronologically reschedule legal make-up games submitted by commissioners. (games legally not played, excluding forfeits) i.e. first rain-outs, first to play make up games.

7. Collect team rosters (to include contracts for managers, coaches, and players) by their respective leagues from the commissioners. These documents will be passed on to the following seasons league commissioner's.

8. Prepare season tournament schedules and brackets for the Minor League in coordination with the Tournament Director.
9. Coordinate field preparation of the Minor League fields with the Fields and Equipment Director.

10. Present trophies to each age division.

11. Fulfill commissionerís duties in case of vacancy or neglect by commissioner
12. Perform other such duties as the Board of Directors shall prescribe.


D. Vice President - Mini League in conjunction with and supported by the Commissioners of 8 & Under and 6 & Under

1. Vice President - Mini League will preside at all regular meetings, Board of Directors meetings, and special meetings in the absence of the President, the Vice President - Major League and the Vice President - Minor League.

2. Vice President - Mini League will preside over all Mini League meetings.

3. Vice President - Mini League will post Mini League team standings on a weekly basis and will report all scores to the Publicity Director.

4. Prepare a Mini League budget for approval by the Board of Directors.

5. Help to resolve any issues that may arise that the commissioners need help.

6. Chronologically reschedule legal make-up games submitted by commissioners. (games legally not played, excluding forfeits) i.e. first rain-outs, first to play make up games.

7. Collect team rosters (to include contracts for managers, coaches, and players) by their respective leagues from the commissioners. These documents will be passed on to the following seasons league commissioner's.

8. Prepare season tournament schedules and brackets for the Mini League in coordination with the Tournament Director.

9. Coordinate field preparation of the Mini League fields with the Fields and Equipment Director.

10. Present trophies to each age division.

11. Fulfill commissionerís duties in case of vacancy or neglect by commissioner.

12. Perform other such duties as the Board of Directors shall prescribe.


E. Commissioners of 19 & Over, 18 & Under, 16 & Under, 14 & Under, 12 & Under, 10 & Under, 8 & Under, and 6 & Under


1. Distribute the season schedule, to all required persons, at least two (2) weeks prior to the start of the season.

2. Announce and conduct player tryouts for the contract teams not less than two (2) months prior to the start of the season.

3. Place players on teams. (new, transferring, and players not making contract teams)

4. Chronologically reschedule make-up games, (games legally not played, excluding forfeits) and submit to Vice President of League. i.e. first rain-outs, first to play make up games.

5. Compile and maintain team rosters (to include contracts for managers, coaches, and players) by their respective leagues. These documents will be passed on to the following seasons league commissioner's. Submit copy to Vice President of League.

6. Prepare the season schedule for all league games for their age division.

7. Try to resolve issues/conflicts that may arise from coaches/teams.



F. Fields and Equipment Director
1. Prepare a fields and equipment budget for approval by the Board of Directors. This proposed budget will include but is not limited to: league T-shirts, trophies, additional equipment needed for league play and repair of existing equipment.

2. Turn in all billings and receipts of purchase to the Treasurer.

3. Act as safety advisor for all fields and equipment.

4. Responsible for purchasing, issuing, collecting and storing all AGSA equipment.

5. Submit an inventory and condition report of all equipment owned or operated by AGSA to the Board of Directors not later than the February Board of Directors meeting.

6. Perform other such duties as the Board of Directors shall prescribe.


G. Tournament Director

1. Appoint Assistant Tournament Directors as needed with approval of the President.

2. Organize and coordinate AGSA invitational tournaments, including invitations, schedules, rules and other matters associated with the event and maintain VTD in compliance with NTGSA guidelines.

3. Receive all invitations to tournaments and report to the Board of Directors.

4. Provide a schedule of Texas invitational tournaments to all Board of Directors and all Mini, Minor and Major League registered teams.

5. Coordinate with Umpire Scheduler to schedule umpires for all tournament games.

6. Make presentation of trophies at all AGSA invitational tournaments.

7. Perform other such duties as the Board of Directors shall prescribe.

8. Work with concession stand chairman to ensure tournaments run smoothly.


H. Treasurer

1. Countersign all checks.

2. Responsible for banking and disbursing all AGSA funds.

3. Maintain financial records in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices.

4. Present a written financial report at the March general membership meeting.

5. Present a financial report at the first Board of Directors meeting each month.

6. Make books available for audit upon request of a majority of the Board of Directors.

7. Assist Board Members in preparing budgets to be submitted at the February Board meeting.

8. Perform other such duties as the Board of Directors shall prescribe.

9. Prepare and file annual tax returns with the IRS.


I. Secretary

1. Give all notices in accordance with these bylaws.

2. Record the proceedings of all general membership and Board of Directors meetings.

3. Maintain a file of all correspondence, forms and documents pertinent to the activities of AGSA.

4. Responsible for the printing of all forms and documents.

5. Perform other such duties as the Board of Directors shall prescribe.


J. Publicity Director

1. Schedule with sports editor of local newspaper, the taking of publicity pictures, careful not to duplicate teams.

2. Submit all written articles regarding AGSA to the local newspaper for printing.

3. Assist Vice Presidents in publicity for sign-ups, drafts, and team formation aspects.

4. Ensure that the results of games and announcements are submitted to the news media in a timely manner.

5. Collect and maintain historian book.

6. Prepare and edit monthly newsletter.

7. May appoint assistants in each league as necessary to fulfill publicity requirements.

8. Perform other such duties as the Board of Directors shall prescribe.


K. Arlington All Sports Council Representative

1. Promote AGSA on the Arlington All Sports Council and ensure that AGSA's and girls softball interests are actively and aggressively pursued.

2. Provide the AGSA Board of Directors with a summary of that organizations meetings.

3. Act as liaison between AGSA and Arlington Parks and Recreation Board.

4. Perform other such duties as the Board of Directors shall prescribe.


L. Past President of AGSA

1. Advise the Board of Directors.


M. Umpire in Chief

1. Submit to the Treasurer, prior to the season, a list of all proposed umpires, including addresses, telephone numbers, and social security numbers.

2. Handle all problems arising with regard to umpires.

3. Advise AGSA of all rule changes, governing rules of play in the ASA Official Guide.

4. Submit all protests except those which are clearly defined by the ASA Code of rules to the Board of Directors for their final decision.

5. Perform other such duties as the Board of Directors shall prescribe.

Section 3. Duties of Other AGSA Officials
These AGSA officials are appointed by the President subject to the approval of the Board of Directors. These are not Board of Directors positions but may be held by Board members as well as any other AGSA member in good standing.

A. Umpire Instructor

1. Organize and conduct a mandatory training program for all league umpires. The schedule for this training program should be coordinated with the Board of Directors to allow coaches to attend if desired.

2. Perform other such duties as the Board of Directors shall prescribe.


B. Umpire Scheduler

1. Schedule umpires for all league and tournament games.

2. Notify umpires when games are rescheduled or canceled.

3. Perform other such duties as the Board of Directors shall prescribe.


C. Membership Chairman

1. Maintain the official AGSA member register with the current phone number and mailing address of each member. The register should state the member's status, i.e., good standing or not.


D. Criminal Background Chairman ñ Removed added to President


E. Website Chairman

1. Design and maintain the Association's website.

2. Strive to keep information current concerning the Association, its tournaments, its game schedules and scores.

3. Maintain the guest book associated with the website and monitor it for content.

4. Maintain the mailing list associated with the website and monitor it for content.

5. Strive for improvements to better serve AGSA's members and guests of the website.


F. Concession stand Chairman

1. Staff concession stand with teams from AGSA to work each seasonís league games.

2. Staff concession stand with AGSA teams that will Host Invitational Tournaments.

3. Traine concession stand staff on how to prepare sale items, cash handling, freebie policy, cleaning, and other duties related to concession stand operation.

4. Keep concession stand properly stocked with inventory for League games and Tournaments.

5. Make cash deposits to bank.

6. Pay all concession stand related items out of the concession stand account.

7. Open and Close concession stand daily for team workers by providing working cash, preparing the hot foods, and taking ending inventory at the end of the night or Traine responsible personell to help.

8. Provide BOD with monthly updates on its operation including but not limited to Bank Account Balance, Profits and Expenses from League operations as well as Tournament operations.

9. Operate concession stand in the absence of AGSA team help. Outside help may be acquired and paid for out of the concession stand operating account. The President and Treasurer must be given information on who will be running the stand and how much will be paid to them before outside help is acquired.

10. Perform any other related duties as board my prescribe.


G. Field Scheduler

1. Act as liaison between AGSA, Arlington City Officials and Arlington Independent School District on all fields and facilities matters.

2. Coordinate with Vice Presidents of each league to insure all playing fields are properly prepared for the playing season.


H. Trophies and T-Shirts Coordinator

1. Order all T-Shirts and Trophies for League and Tournament play in accordance with these bylaws and standing rules.

2. Coordinate and distribute T-Shirts and Trophies to appropriate officers for distribution.



Section 1. Leagues
The Arlington Girls Softball Association will consist of three (3) leagues: Major League, Minor League and Mini League.


Section 2. Divisions
These leagues will be further divided as follows and will conform to ASA age classifications as defined in the ASA Code, Article 201, Section J.


A. The Major League will consist of the following classifications:

1. 19 & Over league

2. 18 & Under league

3. 16 & Under league

4. 14 & Under contract league

5. 14 & Under recreation league


B. The Minor League will consist of the following classifications:

1. 12 & Under contract league

2. 12 & Under recreation league

3. 10 & Under contract league

4. 10 & Under recreation league


C. The Mini League will consist of the following classifications:

1. 8 & Under Machine Pitch League.

2. 8 & Under Coach Pitch League

3. 6 & Under T-ball league


A league that exceeds eleven (11) teams in the same age and class may be split into two or more smaller leagues of not less than six (6) teams each. The smaller leagues will be combined for the end of season tournament.





Section 1. Standing Rules

A. The Standing Rules are rules as adopted by the Board of Directors, or the membership of AGSA, that continue to remain in force and are not found in these bylaws.

B. Standing rules are adopted, as any ordinary motion, by a majority vote, and are amended by a two-thirds vote without seven (7) days written notice or by a majority vote with such notice. Written notice may be conveyed by U.S. Mail, E-mail, fax or in person.

C. The Standing Rules for the AGSA are apart and separate from these bylaws.

D. The secretary shall maintain a current copy of the Standing Rules for reference by the Board of Directors and the membership.


Section 2. League Rules

A. League Rules shall be established to direct the formation of teams and leagues and manage same throughout the playing season.

B. The League Rules shall be part of the Standing Rules under a section entitled "League Rules."

C. Each team manager or head coach shall be provided a copy of the League Rules prior to the start of the season.

D. No vote for change shall be entertained after the season has begun, except for safety reasons.


Section 3. Rules of Play

A. Rules of Play shall be established to contain supplemental game rules as adopted by AGSA to augment the Official Rules of Softball as established by the Amateur Softball Association.

B. The Rules of Play shall be part of the Standing Rules under a section entitled "Rules of Play."

C. Rules of play in each league will be governed by the following documents listed in order of precedence:

1. AGSA Bylaws.

2. AGSA Rules of Play.

3. The Amateur Softball Association's Official Rules of Softball (current year).

D. Each team manager or head coach and each umpire shall be provided a copy of the Rules of Play prior to the start of the season.

E. The Rules of Play may be amended so long as all concepts of changed play are directed toward the advancement of ASA fast pitch rules.

F. No vote for change shall be entertained after the season has begun, except for safety reasons



The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order the Association may adopt.




Section 1. Procedure

These bylaws may be altered, amended, or added to by any of the following three methods.


A. By a vote of the Board of Directors.

(1) The proposed change to the bylaws shall be presented in writing during any meeting of the Board of Directors where a quorum is present.

(2) A copy of the proposed change shall be made available to each Board member.

(3) The Board of Directors shall vote on the proposal at the following Board of Directors meeting, not sooner than fourteen (14) days after its presentation.

(4) An affirmative two-thirds (2/3) vote of all of the voting members of the Board of Directors shall be required for passage of the proposal.


B. By Referendum Ballot.

(1) Thirty (30) percent of the active members in good standing may petition the Board of Directors requesting a referendum ballot for altering, amending, or adding to these bylaws.

(2) The Secretary shall, within 30 days, circulate such ballots to the active membership. The ballot shall contain the proposition to be voted on and shall state a reasonable deadline for the return of the ballots.

(3) An affirmative vote of a majority of the active members in good standing shall be required for passage of a referendum ballot.


C. By Membership Rule.

(1) At a general membership meeting, where a majority of the active members in good standing are present, a proposition to alter, amend, or add to these bylaws may be presented and voted on.

(2)An affirmative vote of a majority of the active members in good standing at that general membership meeting shall be required for passage of the proposition.


Section 2. Announcement
New amendments to these bylaws will be announced to the membership at the first regular membership meeting following their approval.



6U - 04/03


8U - 021/01


10U - 00/99


12U - 98/97


14U - 96/95


HS - 94&Up












Standing Rules


ASA Rules


Harold Patterson






High Voltage








Base Running




Tournament Play


Game Scheduling


Game Reporting


Roster Form


TShirt Form


Player Contract


Coaches Contract


Criminal History Form


How to Set Up Coach


How to Set Up Team


All Years


Private Lessons


Texas Elite


Special Events



