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Pestle of Plenty
Seeds of Plenty
Rasta's Strobe Stones (revised)

Pestle of Plenty
This simple magical item is often accompanied by 4-8 seeds of plenty and is held in high esteem by clerics and druids. The pestle is often made of granite or marble and looks like a normal apothecary pestle used for turning substances into a powdered form. When used in conjunction with an Alchemy or Apothecary skill check, the Pestle of Plenty adds a +2 bonus to these skills. On a successful Alchemy or Apothecary skill check, the pestle can either double the amount of product produced or double the potency of product produced (desired effect must be chosen before skill check is made.)
The real power of this item comes when grinding grain into flour. If used to make flour, the pestle quadruples the amount of flour made. Thus, if there is enough grain to make one loaf of bread, using the Pestle of Plenty to grind the grain will produce enough flour to make 4 loaves. When used to grind Seeds of Plenty, the effects stack, so that each seed produces enough flour to make 16 loaves of bread.
Caster Level: 5th Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, create food and water, guidance Market Value: 700gp

Seeds of Plenty
These seeds are magically enhanced seeds of various grain plants such as wheat and barley. When ground, each small seed will produce enough flour to make four loaves of bread with the equivalent nutritional value of one iron ration per loaf of bread produced. If used in a fermenting process, each seed will be enough to create one keg of liquid with the nutritional value of four iron rations.
When ground by the Pestle of Plenty, the effects stack, so that each seed produces enough flour to make 16 loaves of bread. Each loaf has the nutritional value of one iron ration.
Caster Level: 5th Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, create food and water
Market Value: 10gp

Rasta's Strobe Stones (Revised)
These simple stones radiate magical darkness and daylight in a rapidly alternating pattern within a 20-foot radius to produce a strobe effect. All creatures within the area of effect must make a one time Will save at DC 12 or be dazzled. (Dazzled creatures are unable to see well because of over stimulation of the eyes. A dazzled creature suffers a -1 penalty on attack rolls until the effect ends.)
If the stones are placed inside or under a lightproof covering, their effects are blocked until the covering is removed and creatures that can't see visible light are immune to the effects of Rasta's Strobe Stones. Rasta's Strenuous Strobe will not dispel magical darkness or light, but will still create the strobe effect if placed within the area of such magical effects. The Strobe Stones confer the benefits of the spells daylight and darkness at a lesser effect: creatures normally affected by the effects of either daylight or darkness are allowed a separate Will save at DC 12 to ignore any adverse effects associated with the full version of these spells.
Rasta's Strobe Stones only function while there is music in the air. This may be as simple as humming a tune, as complex as an orchestra, or by use of ghost sounds spell. The sound needs only be audible at the site of the Strobe Stones. A Perform skill check at DC 10 will activate the Strobe Stones. When the spell ghost sounds is used, the Perform skill check must be made at the time of casting.

Caster Level: 5th Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, daylight, darkness Market Value: 1500gp


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