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New Character Feats and Monster Special Qualities
Previous Incarnations of Feats
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You have used a single weapon so much that you have formed an almost
spiritual bond with that specific weapon.
Prerequisite: Base Attack Bonus +8,
Improved Critical (with weapon), Proficient with Weapon, Weapon Focus (with
weapon), Weapon Specialization (with weapon)
Benefit: Choose a single unique
weapon.  For one month you train exclusively with that weapon, learning
how to best wield that specific weapon most effectively.  During the training period, you may use no other weapons or you must repeat the
process.  After the month of training, give the weapon a name to
symbolize your intimate knowledge of the weapon. You gain an additional +2 to
all attack rolls and +1 to damage with your  named weapon (this stacks
with the weapon focus and weapon specialization bonuses).  You do not
gain the bonuses or penalties of this feat when wielding a weapon of the same
type, and suffer a -2 to all attack rolls with all other weapons.
Special: If ever your named weapon is
destroyed or taken from your possession for more than a week, you must repeat
the process of naming a weapon and continue to suffer the -2 to attack rolls
with all weapons of a  different type. You may never have more than one bonded weapon.

You are trained in taking advantage of openings in your opponent's defenses when you successfully use the Skilled Parry feat.
Prerequisite: Base Attack Bonus +5, Dex 15+, Dodge, Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Skilled Parry
Benefit: Whenever you have successfully avoided an attack through use of the Skilled Parry feat, you may make an attack of opportunity against the attacker provided you are not unarmed.
Special: You may make a Counter Strike provided you are not denied your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class and you still have an attack of opportunity available to use. Counter Strike counts as an attack of opportunity and as such, its usage is limited by the number of attacks of opportunity you have each round.

You are trained at parrying your opponents attacks
Prerequisite: Base Attack Bonus +5, Proficient with Weapon, Int 13+, Dex 13+, Dodge, Expertise
Benefit: When an opponent attacks you, you are allowed a Reflex Save with DC equal to the opponent's attack roll to avoid all damage from a single attack provided you are not unarmed.
Normal: A character not capable of this feat can forgo their attack to defend themselves and move during a round as a standard action and gain a +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class for that round.
Special: Skilled Parry counts as an attack of opportunity and as such, the number of attacks of opportunity you have each round limits its usage.

You are trained at minimizing your opponents attacks
Prerequisite: Proficient with Weapon, Str 13+, Int +13, Expertise, Power Attack, Sunder
Benefit: When an opponent attacks you, you are allowed a Reflex Save with DC equal to the opponent's attack roll. If successful, the damage from a single attack is reduced by a number equal to your Base Attack Bonus. Use may use this feat provided you are not unarmed and provided you are wielding a melee weapon. You may not use this feat against creatures two or more sizes larger than yourself (ie a Small gnome cannot Block a Large Hill Giant)
Normal: A character not capable of this feat can forgo their attack to defend themselves and move during a round as a standard action and gain a +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class for that round.
Special: Trained Block counts as an attack of opportunity and as such, the number of attacks of opportunity you have each round limits its usage. If you are using Trained Block with a magical weapon you may add its magical bonus to your Base Attack Bonus when determining the damage reduction granted by this feat.

Special Qualities

Crystal Weakness (Ex): Horrors have a weakness to crystal weapons. Attacks made with weapons of pure crystal bypass the horror's damage reduction and deal 1 point of damage plus the attackers damage bonus.

Vampiric Bond (Su): After a successful attack, a horror may forgo his Bampiric Touch ability to attempt a vampiric bond with the creature attacked. The creature receives a Will save vs DC 10 + the night horror's Will modifier to resist the vampiric bond. At anytime thereafter, the horror may choose to use his vampiric touch ability on the bonded creature (no save) as long as the creature remains on the same plane of existence. The bond remains in place until either the horror or the creature dies, or until removed by remove curse or similar spell. The horror can have no more bonded creatures than his Wisdom modifier.

Vampiric Touch (Su): This functions as the spell vampiric touch as cast by a 6th level sorcerer each time the Night Horror makes a successful claw attack.

* Note These feats have been submitted to the Netbook of Feats maintained by the D&D Community Council
Tyson Neumann 2001

Read the d20 Open Gaming License
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