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The Dungeon
Where Items, Feats, Classes, etc. go that have been replaced or updated with better or more balanced versions
Unless otherwise noted, all d20 content on this page is Open Gaming Content as partains to the d20 Open Game License

Feats that found the axe

*Counter Strike [General]
You are trained in taking advantage of openings in your opponent's defenses when a Full Parry is used.
Prereq: Balance 10 ranks, Base Attack Bonus +5, Dex 15+, Dodge, Expertise, Full Parry
Benefit: After a successful Full Parry you may make an attack against that opponent.
Special: This action does not count as an attack of opportunity.

*Skilled Parry [General]
You are trained at parrying your opponents attacks.
Prereq: Base Attack Bonus +4, Dex 13+, Dodge, Expertise
Benefit: After an opponent makes a successful melee attack against you, you parry to attempt to cancel the attack's damage. Roll d20 + Base Attack Bonus against the opponent total melee attack. You cannot parry critical attacks or opponents more than 1 size category greater than you. You must spend an Attack of Opportunity each time this feat is used
Special: This feat is limited by the number of Attacks of Opportunities you have left in the round. If fighting unarmed, a monk may add his Dexterity modifier to his total Attacks of Opportunity for purposes of this feat only.
Normal: A character not capable of this feat can fight defensively while using the attack or full attack action to take a -4 penalty on attacks and gain a +2 dodge bonus to Armor Class.

*Unskilled Parry [General]
You are adept at parrying your opponents attacks.
Prereq: Base Attack Bonus +1, Proficient with Weapon, Dex 11+
Benefit: Once per round, after it has been determined that a melee attack has struck you, you may attempt to parry it to negate the damage. Roll d10 + Base Attack Bonus vs opponent's total attack roll.
Special: This feat is limited by the number of Attacks of Opportunities you have left in the round.
Normal: A character not capable of this feat can fight defensively while using the attack or full attack action to take a -4 penalty on attacks and gain a +2 dodge bonus to Armor Class.

Classes of days gone by

Herald of Darkness Prestige Class version 1 - my original version of HoDs
Herald of Darkness Prestige Class revision - A possiblly too overpowered version of the HoDs

Items sentenced to the dungeon

Rastas's Strobe Stones (Original)
These simple stones radiate magical darkness and daylight in a rapidly alternating pattern within a 40-foot radius a strobe effect. This causes all creatures to suffer -2 to AC, attacks, and Reflex saves while in the area of effect due to the disorientating effects of the strobe. This effect lasts as long as the creature is in the area of effect. A successful Will save negates the effects and can only be attempted once every 5 minutes.
If the stones are placed inside or under a lightproof covering, their effects are blocked until the covering is removed and creatures that can't see visible light are immune to the effects of Rasta's Strobe Stones. Rasta's Strenuous Strobe will not dispel magical darkness or light, but will still create the strobe effect if placed within the area of such magical effects.
Caster Level: 5th Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, daylight, darkness Market Value: 700gp


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