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Mysterio delas Felipinas

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Kublis: The Filipino Magickal Tradition

  Kublis comes from the word  Kubli, meaning hidden. Kublis is the collection of the Hidden Practices of Filipinos. It was structured for solitaries.

Now don't think that this tradition is ANCIENT, for it is not. The practices incorporated into this tradition are the ancient objects here.

Now if you will ask, who is considered the founder of Kublis? The answer is , No one. Kublis was not founded by anyone. Even though there are people who contributed to it's birth, they do not considered themselves as founders. There is no leader, no priestess or priest for it is for solitaries. And I don't really see it as a tradition, for only one generation practiced it, mine.

Now what's the difference between Kublis and Traditional Wicca?

Traditional Wicca focuses mainly on European agricultural myths, while Kublis focuses on Filipino agricultural myths. The seasons observed in Kublis relates to us. Can you relate well to a Yule Ritual? While you chant a passage  about the world wrapped in snow? Is there snow in the Philipines? 

Paglamig, or the Kublis Yule Klaraw, celebrates the coming of winter Filipino style. It's easy to relate with Klaraws.

Next, Kublis does not prohibit harmful magick. Wait, before you email me to tell me what kind of tradition is this, let me tell you that it does not prohibit but it does not encourage harmful magick. Why? Because magick is both black and white, for both exist in nature. But of course, we accept the doctrine of The Ten-Fold law.

Well this is just an overview, you will find more information in the following pages.
