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Thank You, we hope you'll like Pupil Reporter


Thank you Mr. X for registering for your free version of Pupil Reporter. An e-mail is now automatically being sent to you, confirming your address, and containing your registration number for the software. You will need to print or save this e-mail. Please type this code in the box below to start downloading; this code will activate the download for 30 minutes. While you are waiting for your e-mail we suggest printing out this page which contains a brief installation guide, quick start instructions, and tells you how to find help in Pupil Reporter.



Quick Instructions

Although full instructions are included with Pupil Reporter, this page is intended to be printed out, as a guide to installation, and as a quick start to get you going. Click here to print the page.

Install the Program
1. Read your e-mail message from us.
2. Create a Folder on your computer to download the software to - we suggest 'C:\Program Files\Pupil Reporter Lightware'
3. Type the registration code into the box above.
4. Select your folder to save the file to.
5. Wait for the download to complete.
6. Close applications on your computer.
7. Click 'Start', 'Run' and type in "C:\Program Files\Pupil Reporter Lightware\setup", or browse to the file setup.exe, then click OK.
8. Follow the on-screen instructions.
9. If you have problems then read this.
To start the program running - click 'Start', ' Programs', 'Pupil Reporter'

Open the Help Files
Designing a New Form
Start a New Set of Reports
Input your Class Information
Type the Body of the Report
Using the Comment Bank
Edit the Report
Save the Report
Print the Report


Latest News

Pupil Reporter is available for free, for all teachers working in education with students between the ages of 3 to 18. The free version does not have all the functions of the full version, but you will find it very useful nontheless.

Site Map
. . Old way
. . Design
. . Using
. . Comment Bank
. . Concerns
. . Advantages
. . Main Window
. Comment Bank Window
. . Form Designer Window
. . Print Window
. . General Windows
. . Free Registratione
. . Thank You
. . Quick Start
. . Buying Registration
. . Online Bank
. . Answers
Contact Us
Instructions Introduction
. . Sample Instructions


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