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The Programs Chair

quote I live by:

                    "Expect the unexpected"


  • name: Terrance Reeves
  • ethnic origin: African American
  • status: senior
  • major: Mathematics
  • minor: Computer Science
  • hometown: Warrenton, NC
  • High School: Warren County H.S.
  • after NCCU: After graduation I plan either work or attend graduate school at North Carolina State University.
  • other organizations: Beta Nu Rho Social Service Organization
  • internet name: knowledget
  • hobbies: Music, Basketball, and Working Out
  • e-mail:



I'm a senior Mathematics major who strives for achievement in anything that I do. I joined NSBE for a chance to interact with people in my major and to get involved with networking for the future.





| President | Vice-President | Secretary | Treasurer | Parliamentarian | Programs Chair | Academic Excellence Chair | Membership Chair |  PCI Chair | Telecommunications Chair | Communications Chair |

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webmaster: Tobias Rose(Telecommunications Chair)