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The Parliamentarian

quote I live by:

Nothing is impossible, it just doesn't happen enough


  • name: David Hill
  • ethnic origin: African American
  • status: Sophomore
  • major: Computer Science/Biology
  • skills: Java2, C++
  • hometown: Fayetteville, NC
  • High School: SEVENTY-FIRST SR
  • after NCCU: I want to become a programmer for a prestigious computer company
  • internet name: DAVIDHILL2 on MSN messenger and HILL2DVD on AOL messenger
  • Hobbies: Drawing, Partying, Computers
  • e-mail:


Got a question? Talk to me on Messenger




| President | Vice-President | Secretary | Treasurer | Parliamentarian | Programs Chair | Academic Excellence Chair | Membership Chair |  PCI Chair | Telecommunications Chair | Communications Chair |

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webmaster: Tobias Rose(Telecommunications Chair)