***This is a finished story***

Hey there! well, this story was created/written, what ever you want to call it, for our bestest friend in the whole world, Jess!!

All information on Jess is fictional, except her personality. She is a beautiful person, inside and out. To learn more about Jess, click below to read a character description written on her by a writer of this story, Nadinne.

WE DO NOT KNOW HANSON! or how they would act. We have no contact with anyone to do with Hanson, or anyone in Hanson's family.

This story is a Zac story. Looking around on the net, we haven't seen many Zac stories, so.. we decided to write one of our own! Ike and Tay do feature in it.. but just not that much. Ok, enjoy!

Site Fights Spirit Counter As of 10th October, 2000

***Note*** Chapter Ten has a fair amount of swearing it... just warning ya!



Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen*
Chapter Fourteen*
Chapter Fifteen* - Last chapter!

Hanson Fiction... it's a writers thing