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Old News

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When the main page gets too cluttered with entries, then i'll put them all here except for the most recent two. If you're interested in reading them, here they all are from the time when my web page was created 17 months ago. The most recent entries are at the top, and my oldest entries are at the bottom, so if you want to read all of this, I suggest scrolling right to the very bottom of this page.


Wow. I haven't updated in exactly a month. Anyway, some really bad news: My scanner broke!!! This means I can't scan any more of my drawings, or of the new Neo Genesis cards which I recently got! Nonetheless, I have updated with an exciting new area! Neo Genesis! Since I couldn't scan my cards, I 'spoiled' three of them, so you can still read up on what The Holo Level 55 Typlosion, Azumarill, and Sneasel do! Other than that, I haven't done much else. I'm hoping to fix my scanner problem, or get an entirely new scanner. My site depends on my scans, and I'm determined to get that up and working once more.

I'm also hoping to get a bunch more Neo cards and Gold version for Christmas! See you soon!


Heyness, everyone. I added some very cool info about the upcoming Neo3 set! Click Here To check it out! In other news, someone sent me a team of Pokemon so I posted that up. I also divided the Gallery into two pages, since i got some complaints about lagging. I also added a very kick-butt cute pic I drew to the Gallery.

Nothing else. That's all for now. There's a chance I may update during vacation this weekend, but I've been preoccupied With Zelda: Majora's Mask.


Hey! It's me, and I've updated! Anyway, I added some pictures to the Gallery and the G/S Info. I modified the tips on how to catch the dogs, so it's more accurate. I also made another new area! It's the Pokemon Team area! There you can submit your own pokemon team so i can post it up for all to see!

Other than those tidbits, I updated the Weekly Battle so you can go check that out and see how one of the ledgendary dogs fares in a tournament. As I promised, I did update during the weekend, and aslo be looking for more updates later on!


A Bit late for the new main image, but what the hey, it's very fashionable, plus, I drew it myself. If you click on it, it'll send to to the G/S info area. Anyway, Some very cool stuff has happened. Since I caught all the dogs and I also have a Gameboy Printer, I printed out the PokéDex and I scanned it, as well! Go to the G/S Info area to check it out!

I'll work on some big stuff this weekend, and I also want to scan more pics to put up in the gallery, but my scanner's acting a bit weird, so I have to go through a lot to scan a pic and make it look good and stuff.

Not much else. If you're new around here, just check out the stuff that interests you. Other than that, this weekend is update time.


Heh, I've gotten a bit dusty on my updates, but notheless, I'm syaing stuff right now, aren't I? Anyway, I didn't actually update any of my areas, but some good news: I should really be updating this weekend, ESPECIALLY the G/S info, and the gallery.

Some more good news (mostly for myself) is that I caught the other two ledgendary dogs! I now have Raikou, Entei, and Suicune, and they're all mine! Cool, huh? Anyway, I'll print out their stats and scan it up here, so all of you can see.

Another thing: It's very annoying when people ask me where you get the ledgendary dogs. Well, this is the last time I will explain, so listen carefully. The three beasts, Raikou, Entei, and Suicune are very rare and hard to catch, because they do not appear in any one area, like the ledgendary birds! They're random! When you move a 'grid', they also move, so it's a pain in the butt to chase 'em.

Anyway, i gotta go right now, so see you on the weekend.

11.2.00 Hey there! I added something VERY VERY useful to the Total G/S info area. It's a TM table! So now, whenever you are stuck wondering where or what a TM is or does, wonder no more! Just click here and the whole table is here for you! I'm Working on some other very useful items i can put up for G/S, but that won't come until later. I'm using a very stupid comp right now (not my usual one) so i can't get anything more done today. About 9 days ago i did update some of my other places, such as the battle, which has a new Pokemon in it.

I also have some more news!!! I have actually captured one of the ledgendary Dogs! yesaterday i caught raikou with a bunch of effort! I'll print out it's pokedex entry and scan it up here for all of you to see. Height:6' 03"
Weight:392.0 lbs.
Number: 243
Attacks when caught: Thundershock, roar, Quick attack, leer.

Hope that makes you all excited. I'm working very hard on trying to catch the other two beasties, so just wait and then I'll post up info on those two elusive monsters, as well.

Please, I all also encourage you to E-mail me with any and all Pokemon-related Questions you have! I should be able to answer them all! i mean, since i first got red and right now, i've become mighty skilled (oops, sorry 'bout the bragging) at least I think so. I've also made probably one of the world's most annoying Espeons today. it's a female at level 53 and knows some very nasty attacks. I'm hoping to challenge someone worthy with it and see how it fares.

Iive also got an cool idea for Pokemon teams. If you think you have a Cool team, send it to me through e-mail, along with their attacks. I may begin to work on a new Pokemon team area later this week since i'll have some time. i encourage teams without the ever-famous Mew and mewtwo, since those are sure-fire hitters.


Hello everyone! I actually updated yesterday, but didn't have enough time to say it up here. Anyway, i updated the pokemon of the week, Coolbird complains, and the weekly battle, at that. I also tuned up the g/s info so it's more complete. Anyway, i hope you like the new music on my site. It took me a while to find it, but I like it a whole lot better.


Yo! I updated today and opened up the Gold and SIlver U.S. Info guide. It's not totally complete, but it should suffice for now. Anyway, that's pretty much it, since at the moment i'm using a Slowpoke computer (Pun slightly intended). This weekend I should be able to do more things.


I haven't updated in a long time. Well, i recently got an RPG and i've become obsessed with it. Anyway, I already have silver version in English, four days before its official release! I have some drastic info about on a new info area, but i haven't opened the place up yet, sorry.((I don't have enough pics yet)). Anyway, if you have ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT SILVER OR GOLD, E-MAIL ME!!! I can answer anything!

Other than that, I updated the G/S Walkthru to match the english version, so if you want a sneak peek, go Here. See you soon!


Hey, everyone! It's your favorite birdee here, telling you about my wonderful site. Anyway, since I didn't really do anything for my anniversary, I've begun working on a new cool logo for my site! Not much yet on exactly what it'll look like, but it'll probably have a pheodgeott on it.

I'm working all over the place nowadays, and I've actually made my downloads area sort of presentable (altho i stole all the stuff from another one of my sites, which totally isn't done, but looks cool). Anyway, since the Downloads are open, you can get some goodies from my site.

Not a bunch today, but i'm probably going to poke around to see what needs updating on the PokéPlace. Other than that, i'll probably be working on my other site so i can present it to the the public.

Earlier i updated CoolBird Complains and the Card Strategy


Yo, CoolBird here. Haven't really done anything special for my site's anniversary, but oh well. Anyway, i've updated the Card Strategy and CoolBird Complains for today. Other than that, nothing much, although I have begun my work on a dandy new logo for my site! I'll also try to add more stuff into the gallery, although I don't know if my scanner's working properly (i kinda busted the monitor, so i'm using a crappy one now) anyway, so that's that. School started, and almost ironically, i'll probably update more than during the summer. I took a sort of vacation from my site, which was nice. See ya in a few!


Hey, everyone! I was hoping to update on monday or tuesday, but i was really busy both of those days, so I didn't get much in! Anyway, I'll be trying to put up some cool stuff for the one-year anniversary of my site! Yes, on Monday, August 14th, my site officially turned one year old! (not bad for a site run by only one bird, eh?) Anyway, to see what i did way back when in the "Ye Olde Days", check out the Old News area! August 14th was the day when I made my first entry up here, so that's it's official opening. Back then, my site didn't have lobbies, and only had probably one or two places open. The PokéCards area was there from the beginning, especially the decks!

Some other points of interest are the history of my site. Pretty soon I might post up a small comic strip, so check this place out again!

Other than my site's anniversary, i haven't updated much else. I'll work on that tomorrow or on friday.


yes, I need to clean up my entries, but not today. Anyway, I'm beginning to make preperations for my site's anniversary, and I also suggest you check out the new Gym Heroes preview by clicking the pic of my Rocket's Scyther to check it out. Anyway, I'm planning some interesting stuff, and I also have some cool news!

I have recently entered a tournament! Anyway, I scored First place! So i have won myself fourteen Gym, Heroes booster packs! Anyway, once i receive my prize, you'll see much more detailed info about the set, along with scans of the packs themselves, some of the cards, etc. In fact, i already have some Gym heroes cards (and the set still hasn't come out yet!) you can see scans of my cards at the Gym heroes Preview.

See you in a few!


hello, all! didn't update much today, but you should check seriosuly CHECK OUT THE PokéCards area for some extensive info and pics about the new Gym heroes Cards set coming out this month!

I also updated CoolBird complains, and a couple of days ago,I updated the stadium section.

see you soon! (remember, my site's 1-year anniversary is coming soon!)


I don't know how many of you actually read these entries, but I strongly suggest that you should read them. I may often post important info about my site or other things. Anyway, I have so totally updated and refurnished this site taht it should surprise you. Every one of the lobbies now has a new, better look, which makes navigation easier. Today I have also tried to work out most of the bugs and mistakes in my site, altough I don't know if i covered them all.

I've also started working on another nintendo-related page, but it's very small and isn't done. I'll post up the link to it soon, when it's presentable.

I can't specifically point out all the things I updated, but you should have a "looksee" yourself. My site is getting better as it ages, and that reminds me of something.

The One-year anniversary of my site is coming up! I'm hoping to do something special for all the people who visit my site. I think i'll have something like: "the history of the PokéPlace". It won't be boring, though. As the year goes on, you'll see a new logo for my site, as well! I'm beginning to make preperations for the week-long anniversary of my site.

The bash begins on August 14! Be here to find some goodies and maybe play a few games (If i get any to work, that is). See you in a few!



Today i have posted up official pics of the 3 ledgendary bird promos! Not available anywhere else for the time being, they are exclusive to CoolBird's PokéPlace! Posted up at 4:26 p.m. (central time to make it easier on all of out) on July, 26, 2000!!! Click Here To see, in full detail, the 3 ledgendary birds and ancient mew!!! I also ask of you not to steal or use any part of that picture for your own use. That is why I stamped each of the bird cards with my site's name.


WHEW! Sorry about not updating for a month. I meant to open the Lugia thing a looong while ago, but I never got around to it, then I went on vacation, then I came back and took a vacation from my site. I'm very sorry. I'll get things back up and running in a few days. Anyway, Instead of previweing the 2nd movie, it's now reviewing it. To get to my movie review, either scroll down to the very bottom until you see a pic of lugia and click that, or click the Ledgendary bird pic above.

Anyway, Other than opening up the area for the second movie, i added two things to the News area, so go there and check it out, since it's VERY IMPORTANT!

Nothing other than that. Soon I'll try updating the Strategies area with a Gym Heroes strategy, and I'll also have a preview of Gym leaders before the set comes out, since I have several american pictures of some Gym heroes cards! I'll try updating tomorrow or later this week. Oh yeah, I may probably change the music on this site soon, as well.


A certain CoolBird has just gotten her feathers on the very first NEO 2 card ever made!

Well, a step up from yesterday, I updated the News area with something VERY IMPORTANT! So go there and check it out.

I have been busy with things and such, and i've been honing my animation skills. I'll keep that Pheo animation up for a while... Or at least until something awesome comes out in which I can make a main image out of.

Not much today, and I'll try to open up the Lugia thing this weekend.

Some People have complained to me about the Mewtwo battle thingy. Well gimme a break! I've got another life other than my site, and i worked on some of the first parts before the movie came out, so just live with it.

Nothing new until hopefully saturday. But please visit and tell your friends about my site. I n eed some more traffic.


The only thing I updated today is the main image of that flying Pheodgeott, which I drew up and made myself. It's my very first hand-drawn animation (in which I didn't look at anything, like the Lugia one) so don't expect too much. I'll make more animations that look cooler and post 'em up here soon.

Tomorrow I'll try to update some of the regular stuff, and the 2nd Movie thing should be open by this weekend.


Hey, I haven't updated anything today, but I'm just writing this to let you all know that the Revelation Lugia area will be done next week. I'm halfway finished with it, and it should be particularly cool.

I'm still working on the stadium strategy, and more of the Gold/Silver walkthru will be coming soon.


Land o goshen! I haven't updated my site in weeks! I'm very sorry about that. It's just that I had school, and I joined the Pokémon Trading Card Game League, which I go to every time it's held. I've also been very, very busy with my N64, and I have become addicted to it. (I just haven't played on my N64 for months!Plus I got some new games.)

I've updated the Strategies section. No more TR tips, instead I have much useful info for building decent decks and what to put in 'em and stuff like that.

I've also touched the dusty PokéMon of the Week area. I also messed around with the weekly battle, and I'm working on a PokéMon Stadium strategy which I'll try to open soon.

You also may have noticed the flying Lugia animation. That was made through my hard work of drawing the bird (looking off of something), scanning, and sitting around and trying to figure out how to make a freaking animation using something other than a GifBuilder. So it is sole property of my site, and you saw it here first. If you did see that particular animation somewhere else, please tell me and I will contact that site.

Summer's around, so I'll update at least once a week.


Hey, I've messed around a little with the look of this site. I've also added something VERY VERY IMPORTANT to the News area. It's about the gold and silver versions! Okay, and to let you know, yesterday I updated the Strategies area, thePokemon of the week and CoolBird Complains Go check out all that I updated and I hope you like the new look to this site.

I also FINALLY GOT THE STINKIN' MUSIC TO WORK! right now you should be hearing a zelda song which i particularly like.

May 18, 2000

Hey, sorry I didn't update in about a week. Anyways, I added a new complaint, a new streategy and a new PokéMon of the week! I'm in a serious rush right now, but I needed to let all of you know what updated. I'll add some more this weekend!

May 11, 2000

Hey everybody! I've updated! A most interesting area I've made is the Adopt a PokéMon area! I've also updated the News area, and the Weekly Battle! I still don't have much to complain about yet, and The The POTW will be updated next Monday or Tuesday. Anyway, it's a step up from not updating!

May 7, 2000

Hello everyone. I haven't updated much because I was giving myself a break. Anyway, I added some stuff to the gallery, and My site is in another webring sort of thing. I'll try updating more later this week.

April 22, 2000

Hey everyone! Happy Easter to all of you! I have a new area that I worked on for several days! It's about The Team Rocket Expansion ! Go check it out in the PokéCards area!

Nothing much else. It's easter, so I'm kinda busy. The TR area is very cool, tho. Anyways, you can see the main image is new! Those are scans of some of my favorite TR cards which i got yesterday! I might put some stuff in the Gallery, too, so check there is you come back here again today or tomorrow.

I hope you find lotsa Easter Eggs!

April 20, 2000

'ello everyone. I was busy in the morning, but I updated a little today. Check out the area about the PokéMon Game Boy TCG . It's updated! I posted up more powerful decks, and I have a little strategy about the grand masters! The little area actually serves as a sort of "hint Walkthru", where I don't give away all the info, but i reccomend what to use and stuff. Anyways, that's new, but I also added some neat pics to the PokéPlace Gallery . I'll be adding some tidbits here and there all over the site, and i may keep adding pics to the Gallery throughout the day. Keep visiting to see what's new!

Oh, and another thing! I'm Getting Team Rocket cards tomorrow! I'll scan anything cool that I get, and I'll post up an area about it in the PokéMon TCG Lobby! Check out the main image tomorrow to see a scan of an American Team Rocket card!

April 19, 2000

Yo everybody! I finished a new area! It's about the PokéMon TCG! Get to it in the games Lobby! Anyways, I have a new complaint (finally)! I added something neat to the forbidden facts, and there's a new PokéMon of the week! Go check out my site!

April 17, 2000

Hey everyone! I updated some stuff! I updated the weekly battles and the PokéMon of the week! Nothing else much. I'm still working on the new area. Oh yeah, I have a new image for Neo, go check it out! It's pretty cool.

April 10, 2000

hello everyone, and sorry for not updating for over a week. I was very busy. Anyway, I updated the news and the battle, so go there and check it out.

Something really stupid happened to my site, and I'm extremely pissed about it.

I want to thanks all the fans that keep visiting my site, even when it doesn't update. I really appreciate it.

I might be opening up a new area this weekend.

Last update, March 27, 2000

Welcome everyone, to CoolBird's PokéPlace! I have finally finished the "Are you strong enough to fight Mewtwo?" area, and I have a new weekly battle! The complaint Might be updated, go see. It might not be, tho. Anyways, I'll keep working on this site throughout the day, so keep poking around the see what's new.

March 26, 2000

Hello again. CoolBird here, as always. I have added two new areas! The first one you may have misse. it's located at the group of links near the top of my site. It's the PokéPlace mascot. Another new area is located in the miscellaneous lobby. it's the PokéPlace Gallery. I also updated the news, too. Some other places are a lil' bit updated, as well. I have some new pics at the decks section, and I think I worked a little here and there in some small areas. Take a gander around this site to see what's new.

Also, please click the little "Pass-it-on" button to reccomend this site to a friend!

You also probably don't see any borders around most of the images on my site. well, don't fret. they're still links, so click on 'em!

March 25, 2000

YES!!! I got my scanner working! As you can see from the pic above of the pheodgeott, you can see it works. I drew that Pheodgeott pic! That are will now serve as my main image area, and the image will change from time to time, referring to the time of year of upcoming holiday. I added two new areas, and I cleaned up the entries again. Scroll down to see the POTW and the Neo areas. I got rid of the table of contents, because it got annoying. Anyways, It's spring break, so stay tuned for updates daily this whole week!

I really cleaned up the PokéPlace! Instead of having lots of little links, I now have Lobbies for four different categories, each containing the links! Now this site looks a little nicer!

March 21,2000

Uh... hello. My, hav I not updated in a while! Jeeze! Three weeks! Please excuse me for not updating for so long, I was really, really, really busy. Anyways, I got a scanner, but it's not the right connection, so i'll exchange it tomorrow, and get one that compatible with my comp. You maybe are hearing music. I'm not so sure, I'm still messing with that. Anways, I finally got a new poll, and guess what? I UPDATED THE GOLD AND SILVER WALKTHRU!!! Yay. Aren't you happy? I also added Another new area. (sheesh, I have so many areas and so much cool stuff on this site I even made a table of contents!) Check It out down below... other than that, not much new. It's a weekday, so i don't have forever like on the weekends.

Hello again. CoolBird here, of course, reporting to you what has happened on my website so far. I haven't done anything really cool today. I cleaned up the decks area, so check that out. it looks nicer. I also made a new complaint. I won't update the walkthru until this weekend, because I'm waiting for a reply to see if I can use some pictures for the walkthru. So you'll have to hold on just a bit longer.

Yesterday Angelfire's server was down, so i couldn't update the walkthru, which I was hoping to work on.

More updates this weekend.(I'm getting PokéMon Stadium tomorrow! I can't wait!)

March 4, 2000

Hello, hello. I cleared up the entries so it won't be messy, and I've also opened up PokéMon Snap! I said I'd finish that place up over 6 months ago! I didn't finish it, but I sure started it. The strategy for the beach is open. It also has some neat pics. So find the link an' click it!

I also added something neat to the forbidden facts area, and that's pretty much it. I'll work on the walkthru tomorrow if I have time or next week.

More updates coming soon!

March 3, 2000

I didn't do much today, except added that awesome banner thing near the top of my site, and changed all the squares and Z's to é's. I told you I'd fix that problem soon!

Anyway, I won't do anything cool until the fourth, but it's probably the fourth already by the time you're reading this, so It doesn't matter..

Feb. 29, 2000

Okay, I didn't update today. I was busy Rollerblading half the evening, so i didn't get a bunch of comp time. There was an attack on the walkthru, but I got that cleared up (Hopefully!), and If it happens again, I'll have to take some personal matters (don't worry, this doesn't involve you). Anyways, today is a very special, day, and not just because it's February 29. What is happening right now this year, won't happen for another 400 years. What is it? It's the leap year falling on a "Double-O" year. It's the year 2000, so this is really important. Anyway, last time this happened was in the year 1600.

Hope I didn't bore anyone, but I just wanted to point that out. I'll hopefully add something neat I found out to the Forbidden Facts area on Thursday.

Feb. 26, 2000

Yes, this place hasn't updated in a loooong time. But I updated a whole lot today, (Not the walkthru, tho) and I have a price guide for Base Set 1, and some needed info and pics on Base Set 2! I updated the complaint and the news section as well. Check out any other places new to you on my website, and have fun!

Feb. 15, 2000

I updated the letters section and added some info to stadium and forbidden facts. I also updated the complaint, as usual, but it's kind of short this time, but very true.

Other than that, nothing really new. If you're a new visitor, or you haven't been here in a while, check out the complaints and the news section. Go anywhere else you haven't gone, either.

More updates later this week.

Feb. 13, 2000

Hello and welcome to Coolbird's PokéPlace!One very lucky kid just got her hands on a few packs of neo cards! I updated the news section with some needed Pokemon Neo info, and I added a new section, as well, It's called Forbidden Pokemon facts. You should go there to find some interesting stuff.

I also need to say something about the Pokemon Village thingy near the bottom of my website. It's really stupid and moronic. It's acting dumb and I am totally NOT the number of the site that it says on there. I looked for myself, and i can't even find where the heck my website is on PokeMon Village, and I may have to re-enter it.

Aside from that, I won't be updating until hopefully Tuesday, when I'll make a new complaint.

More updates coming this week.

Feb. 8, 2000

Hello again. This place is getting kind of messy again, so i'll have to clean it up next time I update. Anyway, I don't have a bunch of time today, so i only updated the complaints section. If you haven't explored all of my site, now's the chance. I've gotta keep this short so i can go play Bloody Roar on my PSX.

More updates later in the week.

Feb. 2, 2000

Happy groundhog day. I even forgot that it was a kind of holiday today. Oh well. I added some more codes to the GS section for Gold and Silver, and I'm starting to cook up another new area which will be called Interesting Things. It will have strange tricks for the Red and blue versions, as well as yellow. It will also have some odd things I've found in the Pokemon world. But that's not up yet.

I've also finally updated the links version of the PokePlace, and I've been putting a link to the links on most of my areas. I beleive I've also scraped up some info for the news section.

I made a seperate little thing that isn't Pokemon-related, and you should visit it only in intrest. The link is way at the bottom of the page. Click on the Chocobo.

Jan. 31, 2000

Alright, I give out a point of advice: Even if I don't have an entry up, that doesn't mean I didn't update the PokePlace, so always poke around to see if anything unexpectedly got updated. I updated the complaints section just last week, but because of the limited time i had, I didn't have the time to put up an entry. But right now I have a bit of time, and I've got a new section up. Gold and Silver codes. Check it out down below.

I'll update more this week, since I've finally got my schedule figured out. I hope to work on the walkthrough very soon.

Stay tuned for unexpected updates during the week!

Jan. 18, 2000

Yay! I actually update two days in a row. I updated the letters section, and I added some more letters into there. I changed the topic, too. You should check out the strategy section in the card area, because that place should be updated, as well. I got rid of the link to the Southern islands place on the index, and now It's at the card area.

I don't know how my gifbuilder is doing, but It should be up and running a again soon, so i can work on the new area I've been planning. The news area got a new entry, as well.

More updates later this week!

Jan. 17, 2000

Yes, i know, I haven't updated in about a week or so. Well, my computer isn't exactly the happiest thing on Earth. So, ë was having trouble with America OffLine. So I just stayed in chatrooms and Role Played. Well, I haven't gotten anyhting really new. Other than a new area, no updates on the already existing areas. I'm hoping to add some more to the walkthrough in a couple of weeks.

I got rid of most of the entries up here and stuck them into the Old news section. the new area is called CoolBird Complains Click on the spinning world to get to my weekly rant. Nothing else really new. I got a translated version of Pokemon Gold, so I'll have better info about that pretty soon.

Stay tuned for more updates during the week!

Jan. 9, 2000

The main page is starting to get cluttered with entries again. I might have to put some in the Old News section. Anyways, I added a few more decks, and I actually got some E-mails for the Mail section. I updated the news section a little bit. My Gifbuilder seems to be acting pissy. It won't produce Gifs anymore. I've started working on a neat new section, and I need lots of pics, but My gifbuilder crapped out. I'll have to mess with it a bit.

Nothing new will probably happen during the week. school keeps me busy most of the time.

Jan 5, 2000

Happy New Year (again) to everyone! I haven't updated, but that's because of school. Anyways, I posted up two more decks in the decks section if you're interested. I may also put up a new strategy, because the fossil one is starting to get tedious. Since I have seen somebody steal all the content from my website, I will have to color bomb everything. Sad that there are people who are so pathetic that they have to steal. Note: I either make my own pics or get them from archives. I don't know where the archives get them from, though.

I won't be working on the walkthrough until I have some solid time on the weekend or whenever. I also updated the news area for all you people who want to know what's going on in this world. I've also put up a letters section! Click the mailbox sign down below to get to the letters area. I guess you can take a look around. There's nothing much new, since it's a school day.

Jan 1, 2000

Happy new year everyone! To kick off the new Millennium, I've made a new logo for my web page! (and if it isn't showing up i will kill my GIFbuilder). I'll be updating today, and the Pokedex for the base set should be done! I dunno about the walkthrough, though. I might add some more stuff onto there, but walkthroughs take a long time, and I haven't even covered the entire first half of the game! Anyways, I might find a new backround later on.

I also have a new section open! It's called PokeNews. The link is down below where I always keep all my picture links.

Happy New Year!!! (and Millennium and Century!!!)


Dec. 31, 1999

Okay, I updated last night, but I had zero time to post stuff up on here. I've started the Gold/Silver walkthrough, and it's opne, but not yet complete. I hope this webpage doesn't crap out because of Y2K, but I don't think it will, because America was the most paranoid country when it came to Y2K, so it should've prepared pretty well.

Anyways, Happy New "Millennium" to you all! Click the Lugia pics later on be sent to the walkthrough! I also added some more info the Part 2 area of Gold/Silver info.

I just majorly added a big section to the walkthrough. Click the Battling Lugia to be sent to the Gold and Silver walkthrough.


Dec. 27, 1999

Yes! Finally! Pokemon Stadium is


I fiddled with it, and now it's open! Finally after such a long wait! It's not too shabby a place, either. Go check it out by clicking on the snoozing Pikachu. I also am not stuck anymore in Silver. I caught an Usokki, which was the treeish thing that wouldn't let me pass, but I got it to move. I now have 4 badges on that game.

No more updates until tomorrow. I'll probably work with the Pokemon card Pokedex tomorrow and try to finish up the base set. The poll is up and running, too. I'll also see about how I'll do the Mewtwo battle thing, and I don't know when that'll be finished.

Dec. 26, 1999

Well, finally I updated! I was extremely busy the past week, and finally I have some time online. My Christmas was very wonderful, and I got a whole box of Pokemon movie cards from Topps. I also got some japanese gold/silver promo cards, and I have more info about them in the gold/silver version. Talking about gold/silver, I added a whole new part onto the Gold and Silver area! Go check it out and click on the link to the second area for gold/silver to get some really cool detailed info about the game!

I've been playing DK 64 for a while, too. I posted up a new deck in the decks section, and I'll have to start updating the card area. I'm glad to see some of the visitors to my site e-mailing me and responding to things. I also have a poll up. It's down towards the bottom of the page. The movie section is closed for repairs, and will be open again sometime next month. Since school is out, I'll be updating this whole week.

Dec. 3, 1999

Okay, so I haven't updated in about five years. What can I say? I was busy. But anyway, I changed the backround, and I have a "welcome" page before this one. Sorry the movie section isn't complete, but my comp froze right when I was doing it, and I didn't get it finished. I found lots of pics for pokemon stadium, so that place will be open pretty soon. I'm also going to add more info the the Gold/Silver section because I've played the Gold Version in Japanese, and I might be getting Silver for Christmas. You also may notice all the other entries about updates are gone. If you want to read them all, then scroll down a little bit for the link. I've also started working on an English-Japanese Pokemon name translator, and that'll be up soon, if it's not up already.

One of my friends has started working on a Digimon site, so all you Digi-fans out there might want to take a look at that, because once she's done with it, i'll put up the link here and vice versa. This site is starting to change, and slowly, it will look a little better and won't take up so much space. But i won't be doing frames because I think it's too complicated. Image maps, however, I might do. I'm also recruiting members for the Yoshi Death Force, and if you're interested, them e-mail me using the link at the bottom of this page with the subject as "Yoshis".

November 14, 1999

I posted up a spoiler for the Rainbow Island cards that are part of the Southern Islands Promotion! Go check it out! I'll also be putting up spoilers for TR cards, and I'm working on translating the Japanese Mew Fossil card! This is the only place you can find spoilers for Southern Islands, so bookmark this place because I'll put up price guides and more spoilers!

November 11,1999

Yo! CoolB here! I've finished the movie area, and it looks really cool! I have pics and stuff about Mewtwo Strikes back in there! I've uploaded tons of pics so this site will look cooler. I've also rethought about frames, and I don't want to do that. I think this site is good as it is, but it needs more visitors. Check out about the Pokemon Movie below!!!

November 7,1999

I haven't updated for a long time! Well, that's what happens when school starts and the days get shorter. Anyways, I'm experimenting with sounds, and you might be able to hear music now on the web page if you have the right computer, but don't really know. I'll update the yellow area some more, and I'm going to start working on a Stupid Rumors section. I also noticed the backround was missing for a while, but i've fixed that. Please! If you visit this site I want you to visit it again! I'm also starting to think about changing this site to a frame format. But that would take a long time and would be a pain in the butt, so I'd only start working on that on winter vacation.

I'll update this week if I have time, and I'll try to have the Stupid Rumors section up by next weekend. It also seems like Snap won't be finished anytime soon. Neither will stadium. I'll try not to get myself grounded this week. I've also gotten some complaints that the Accented e's show up as big Z's or boxes. Well, that's because you have a PC and I have a Mac. I'll fix that problem soon, too.

October 23, 1999

I have posted up the Yellow section! It's not 100 Percent complete, but some stuff is up there, like the Tips and LogBook. Go And check it out by clicking on the Flashing Pikachu below! I've also started working on a page for the second PokŽmon movie that was out in japan. Too bad I don't have a scanner. If i did, I'd be scanning pics of yellow and movie pics into the PokŽplace. Also check out the new Heading for my page! Please sign my guestbook and advertise my site! I also have a banner for my website! It's down at the bottom of the web page.

October 20, 1999

Well, I'm running short on time tonight, so I didn't do any updates. You may have noticed that the main image is new. (it was created by moi, of course). Anyways, this morning I got PokŽmon Yellow, and I've started working on a section all about it. It won't be finished until this weekend probably, tho. So you'll have to wait. More cool pics will be coming soon, too!!! (Just don't you DARE steal the Pheodgeott one, otheriwse i'll get pissed off).

October 16, 1999

I've updated the Fossil section, and now it's easier to see the letters on that page. I'll start working on a PokŽmon Yellow page that I've been thinking about probably tomorrow or later this week.

October 13, 1999

Well, I haven't updated in 6 days because I've been working on another webpage. That Mewtwo pic at the bottom isn't showing and I'm not too happy about it, because it was showing up just a couple of days ago. Well, I've been learning more about HTML, and as you can see, the dates have changed a little bit. And so have the headings. Sooner or later I might even stick some sound into this place to add some spice! No big updates, other than the format of some of the stuff. I'm hoping to mess around with Snap this weekend.

October 7, 1999

Sorry I haven't updated in so long, but it's because of school. I don't have a lot of time on my hands in the afternoon after school. I'll update more this weekend, and right now I just added a cool Fossil section to my web page!

September 22, 1999

Even though I didn't say anything for the past two days, I still updated. Last night I put up a Message Board, and I just opened up the PokŽDex in the card section! I seriously am going to start working on the Snap section soon. By the beginning of October, there should be some stuff there. This site seems to be getting better and better, and I hope I'll get more visits!

September 19, 1999

I posted up a new deck! Go to decks and look at the color less section to see it. This web page is doing pretty good, but I need more visits. I also added a new page onto the PokŽPlace. It's The Gold/Silver section. The Gold/Silver area is all done, so you can go there and look around. Also, Please advertise my site and sign my guestbook!

September 18, 1999

Well, I added a guestbook. Please sign it. Later on I'll be messing with the font color of the card area. If you're having trouble seeing words, then just highlight them, and presto! you'll see 'em. I've started working on the PokŽDex, but I haven't liked it yet. Later on I might be working on the Snap Section, and I'll find a pic for stadium!

September 7, 1999

Jeeze Laweeze! Too Much crappy school and not enough time to get online. Sorry I haven't updated in such a long time, but I am one busy girl. Hopefully, the Snap section should be up by the end of the weekend. I'll also be messing with the Guestbook sometime this week. I don't have enough time now to work with the website, but on Saturday I should definitely have enough time to mess with the PokŽPlace.

Aug. 20,1999.

The decks section is open, and some decks have been put up! I entered this site into the top 600 PokŽSites. I'm Planning on putting a guestbook and a chatroom on this web page, but that will probably be after i've finished messing with the PokŽMon Snap section.