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The Unofficial Segway HT Site

Move Faster, Move Productively, Move into the Future

Segway HT
What Is It?

How Does It Work?


     -Segway Photo's
     -Segway Model's
     -Segway Video

About Us



 Segway HT Demonstration Locations

          So, you want to ride one in person? Well, you can't, just yet. Once the consumer launch is near, expect lots of opportunities to ride it. Here are the current locations to see/ride the Segway HT in person.

Temporary Locations

Postal Workers in San Francisco and many other cities. The Grand Canyon is using the Segway too. Look at these locations for workers using them in their natural setting.




Permanent Locations

Walt Disney World
Cast Member Demonstrations
Where: Innoventions East
When: During Future World hours; demonstrations every 15 mins
Description: Right as you enter Innoventions East, you will see banners, two computers with interactive models on them. Every 15 minutes or so, a Cast Member will demonstrate one. They will also mingle with the guests. Also look for Segways in Innoventions Plaza, World Showcase, and the outside of Innoventions East for trial runs.


Cast Member Demonstrations
Where: Innoventions- Transportation Hub
When: During Attraction Hours; demonstrations every 15 mins
Descriptions: In the round building in Tomorrowland. Every 15 minutes or so, a Cast Member will demonstrate one. They will also mingle with the guests. Also look for Segways in the building and in Tomorrowland.