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The Unofficial Segway HT Site

Move Faster, Move Productively, Move into the Future

Segway HT
What Is It?

How Does It Work?


     -Segway Photo's
     -Segway Model's
     -Segway Video

About Us



 About Us

Here at Unofficial Segway, we want you to experience the Segway HT and what it can do before it comes  to market. We will be adding more new information, stuff, and other things at a latter date. At first, we will be linking to the main Segway HT official site, but latter on, we will put it on our own servers.

If you have any questions, just e-mail me.

The Unofficial Segway HT Site is owned and operated by the webmaster. He is not related to the Segway LLC or any of its investors, owners, or parent companies.


I am currently seeking people who:
-Can give a testimonial about riding a Segway
-Company testimonials about their Segway usage
-Can give Segway Links
- Run other Segway and related sites for affiliates