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The Unofficial Segway HT Site

Move Faster, Move Productively, Move into the Future

Segway HT
What Is It?

How Does It Work?


     -Segway Photo's
     -Segway Model's
     -Segway Video

About Us



Welcome to the most comprehensive unofficial source for the Segway HT on the web! This site is still getting off the ground, but we are planning a huge on-line experience here at the Unofficial Segway HT Site. We are currently gathering official and unofficial video, photo's, testimonials, and other things to bring the Segway experience to you. When the Segway HT pSeries is released, we will offer buying advice along with places to buy it.

Thanks for visiting!

If you have any questions, just e-mail me.



I am back from vacation, and have been to Disneyland. I saw they have used the Segway's for demonstrations and as productivity around the resort. I saw them twice in Downtown Disney, and once at Disney's Californian Adventure.


I have updated the FAQ, How Does It Work?, History, and Photo Gallery.


I'm BACK! After over one month of departure from this site, I have finally seen the light. After scrolling back and forth on 1024 by 768 I realized that this site was created originally for 1280 by 1024. So now, I have reduced the text size and made the frames smaller and changed the side bar color. I have also added a boarder to the frames to stress the differences in frames. I will also update FAQ and other things latter. Look for a possible News & Rumors section if I get time.


I am currently looking for Segway links and affiliates. If you know or maintain a Segway site, send me an e-mail. Thanks. Also, if you want to link to this page, there is a banner at the bottom of the page to use. I am also taking a HUGE vacation for a month. So I will be away from my host computer. I will check my e-mail from time to time. So send away!

See you in a month!


My testimonial is finally up and ready. I want testimonials from people who have ridden, so go to the testimonial page and follow the link to e-mail me. Now everything is up for the summer. Expect some minor updates latter, but then a vacation, as we get ready to launch the Segway.


After a week off, I have now updated History and changed some parts of What Is It?, updated FAQ, and will add my Testimonial tomorrow or soon after.


Countdown! New Countdown clock added. Plus, the links have been fixed. Also, Photo page up and running. Also, check out the stats page!


Well, were now online! Yeah! I have fixed the picture problems (hopefully) and will fix the links soon.


Multimedia links to Segway HT main page. First part of How Does It Work? done.


Bare bones of How Does It Work? page up. Expect meat soon.


OOOH! Pretty! The side bar has been turned grey for it to look cooler and for other reasons. Demonstrations Locations page added. Expect Testimonials soon, and once school is out, look for the multimedia page to be completed. FAQ Updated.


Got two new sites up! What is it? and History are up now! Also, more pictures and links added. Navigation bar fixed.

Added: Main page to Segway HT and Demonstrations up. See Locations page up soon.


Well, here it is, my hope and dream. This site was started June 1st, 2002. We have three sites up and running, Links, FAQ, and About Us.


Segway HT is a register trademark of Segway LCC and it's owners. All pictures on this site are copy righted Segway LLC, Time Magazine, or are taken by the webmaster. The Unofficial Segway HT Site is in no way owned, ran, maintained, or hosted by Segway LLC or any of it's parent companies, investors, or owners.