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The Unofficial Segway HT Site

Move Faster, Move Productively, Move into the Future

Segway HT
What Is It?

How Does It Work?


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     -Segway Model's
     -Segway Video

About Us



Frequently Asked Questions

Here's the place to ask your questions, but there all pre-answered for time ;)
If you have questions that aren't covered in the FAQ, check the About Us section for an e-mail link to the webmaster.

Segway HT Questions

-When will the Segway HT be released?
-How does the Segway HT work?
-Where can I see/ride the Segway HT myself?
-Can I choose the color of my Segway HT?
-What accessories will be available to me for my Segway HT?
-I am interested in buying the Segway for medical/work/personal needs, what should I do?
-Will the Segway HT become rentable in theme parks (i.e. Walt Disney World, Disneyland), national parks, and other sites?
-Can the Segway HT climb stairs/curbs?
-Will the Segway HT work in rain or snow?
-Will the Segway HT work indoors?
-Will you answer my technical questions?

Unofficial Segway HT Site Questions

-Do you know anybody at Segway LLC?
-Have you ridden the Segway HT yet?
-Where have you ridden it?
-Can you tell me how it was?
-How did you create this page?





Segway HT Questions

1.) When will the Segway HT be released?
          The Segway HT is currently available for purchase by select companies. Until the consumer launch, Segway LLC will have strict selling policies to businesses that fit what the Segway can do the best. The consumer launch is currently set for a Holiday 2002 launch, but this could change due to legal problems in states.

2.) How does the Segway HT work?
         The Segway HT uses a system called "dynamic stabilization". This means that the Segway tries to keep you upright. Gyroscopes detect over 100 times a second your center of gravity and then send this info to the onboard computers, which analyze the data and then send electricity to the motors and that keeps you up. The only control's you need to learn is to steer.

3.) Where can I see/ride the Segway HT myself?
         Currently, there is only two places where you can see daily demonstrations of the Segway HT, Walt Disney World's Epcot in Innoventions East, and Disneyland in Tomorrowland's Innoventions. There are currently no open opportunities to ride the Segway for the general public yet, but expect some in the fall.

4.) Can I choose the color of my Segway HT?
         In some articles, you can see different color Segway's being used. Some colors are grey, black, red, and blue. No word currently on colors, though.

5.) What accessories will be available to me for my Segway HT?
         Only two accessories have been announced. One is a tugger unit for the Segway that can pull 300 lbs of material, the other's are bags that can hang off the Segway to carry things. Expect more to be announced latter.

6.) I am interested in buying the Segway for medical/work/personal needs, what should I do?
         Go to and register for consumer or professional status. If you're interested in the Segway HT for medical purposes, I would recommend talking to a Segway representative about early purchasing.

7.) Will the Segway HT become rentable in theme parks (i.e. Walt Disney World, Disneyland), national parks, and other sites?
        Not right now. This is due to the reason that the factory is only creating a few Segway's at a time right now. Plus, each one in is $8,000, so imagine the down payment you'll have to put on that one! Plus, more testing is needed and once the consumer models are released, and the prices drop, expect them at a local rental shop near you.

Note: I have recently learned that an Imagineer (people who are responsible for the Disney parks) has passed his word that Segways' SHOULDN'T be allowed for rental in the parks due to the fact that all these Segway's will be parked outside the entrance to rides.

8.) Can the Segway HT climb stairs/curbs?
        No, but it can climb anything that is 4 inches high. Though rumors say that there are models currently in the works to climb stairs.

9.) Will the Segway HT work in rain or snow?
    Yes, it is all enclosed. It will work in rain flawlessly, just be careful of traction with the rain. You'll need special snow tires for the snow, they provide better traction, and presses less into the snow. These are additions to the Segway HT.

10.) Will the Segway HT work indoors?
       Yes. The Segway can run indoors.

11.) Will you answer my technical questions?
       Not yet. But Segway has it's own Technical Q&A.



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Unofficial Segway HT Site Questions

1.) Do you know anybody at Segway LLC?

2.) Have you ridden the Segway HT yet?

3.) Where have you ridden it?
        At a private place during the FIRST Robotics competition.

4.) Can you tell me how it was?
        The testimonials section features my review.

5.) How did you create this page?
        I created this page using Microsoft FrontPage. All picture are from Segway LLC, Time Magazine, or taken by me. Also, information is provided by many articles I have read.



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