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The Wealth Of Solomon

Daily Household Food

Solomon’s daily food consumption was 30 cor fine flour, 60 cor of meal, 10 fat oxen, 20 cattle, 100 sheep and an assortment of harts, gazelles, roebucks and fatted fowl. (See Study I for Athenian equivalents) We assume fine flour to be twice that of meal, and meal twice the price of wheat. Also, fatted oxen are estimated at twice the price of regular cattle. Regular cattle are priced at 12.5 shekels (1 Kgs 4:22). The final assumption is that 500 shekels covers the rest of Solomon’s food.

Daily Grain Consumption
Item Amount
Conversion to wheat
(multiply by)
Cost/Cor Shekels
Fine Flour 30 4 4.72 566.4
Meal 60 2 4.72 566.4
Daily grain cost: 1132.8
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