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Jesus “The Son Of God”?

Muslims have difficulty in accepting Jesus as anyone more than a great prophet or teacher. They say Jesus was only a man. They claim Christians have strayed from worshipping the one true God by their belief in the Trinity (i.e. God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit). Even calling Jesus “the son of God” is considered blasphemy. According to Muslims, God would have no need of a son. A closer look at the Trinity, the origin of Jesus, and some of the many verses in the Qur’an concerning this shows there is no contradiction.

The Trinity

Muslims consider these two phrases blasphemy: “God is Christ, the son of Mary” (Qur’an Surah 5:72)1, 2, and “God is one of three in a trinity” (Qur’an Surah 5:73).

The idea of the “trinity” appeared long after Jesus’ ascension. It was a theory to explain why the Bible mentioned three separate persons for God. (Some people see only two, and others question whether two of these refer to God at all.) The Bible gives no details how these three relate to one another. It was most unfortunate that this “theory” became “doctrine”.

It is clear from the Bible and the Qur’an that Jesus was unique. Both books agree Jesus had the Holy Spirit (John 1:32-34, Qur’an Surah 5:110). No one else received this from God, not even Muhammad. The first few verses of the Gospel of John plainly state that Jesus was not just a man. Who, or what then was Jesus?

The truth is that we don’t understand the nature of God. Human words are probably inadequate describing an infinite God. To make matters worse, the original Greek and Hebrew languages each contained less than 10 000 words.

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