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Reservations About The Qur’an

The original purpose of reading the Qur’an was to see what it said about God, Jesus and the Bible. It is always interesting to see what other religions are saying about Christianity. When non-Biblical sources confirm, extend or shed light on the Bible, this deepens our faith. It is also good to know when there is valid criticism. There is a side benefit to examining other religions: learning to recognize the truth. Avoiding the anti-Christ’s deception, and recognizing Jesus when he returns is a good part of Christianity.

The Qur’an claims it confirms the prophets and messengers before Muhammad. Muslims say their religion “Islam” is the same religion as followed by Abraham and Jesus. As such, it is the successor to Christianity, just as Christianity succeeded Judaism. However, there are some major differences between Islam and Christianity, some of which are very disturbing to Christians.

These differences are so great as to be irreconcilable. In fact, the only possible explanation is that the God of the Bible is not the one in the Qur’an. Although the following below is not definitive proof, it demonstrates the Qur’an has a different perspective from the Bible. This makes it very probable the Bible and the Qur’an came from different spiritual sources.

A. What is missing in the Qur’an.

1. A Holy God.

The God of the Bible expressly states many times He is holy. His desire is that we also be holy. Much of what occurs in the Bible is because God is holy. (Jesus had to come since there was no way fallen man could be holy by himself.) Holiness demands separation from the world.

There is little mention of holiness in the Qur’an, only two verses (59:23, 62:1)1. Because of this, there is no need of a priesthood, and no mention of Jesus as our saviour.

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