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Holiness, The Bible & The Qur’an

The word “holy” appears only a few times in the Qur’an¹. It appears many times in the Bible. The Qur’an seldom describes God’s character, while the Bible has many passages where he describes himself, his work, his likes, dislikes, future plans, and most of all his holiness.

Islam is different from Christianity and Judaism because holiness is not emphasized as much in the Qur’an. Holiness explains why there was only one house for God in Jerusalem, and one priesthood. (There are no priests in Islam.) Holiness tells us that only God can make something holy. No human can make a place or thing holy.

Muslims say their main principle is “submission to God,” or obeying Him. Now it is apparent one can only submit to what one knows and agrees with. The more you know about God, the more you will recognize his work, his servants and messengers. The more you know of a holy God the easier it becomes to reject evil and do good. The more you know of a holy God the less likely you will be fooled later by the Anti-Christ.

Only when sin is contrasted with God’s holiness do we begin to understand how serious evil can be. Holiness helps us see the necessity of payment or penalty for sin. Holiness explains why God judges the world. Jesus’ sacrifice had to happen because of God’s holiness. Even the Qur’an agrees:

And when Musa said to his people: Surely Allah commands you that you should sacrifice a cow; they said: Do you ridicule us? He said: I seek the protection of Allah from being one of the ignorant. (From the Qur’an, Surah 2:67²)

Moses (Musa) was ready to sacrifice because he knew God was holy. This is why he said “I seek the protection of Allah from being one of the ignorant.” Knowing God was holy, he could not be ignorant. Sin demands payment, a sacrifice. When God’s holiness is accepted (submitted to), his loving provision for sin (Jesus) must also be accepted.

Since the Qur’an does not emphasize holiness, Muslims don’t either. And since Muslims believe the Bible has been corrupted, they see no point in following any of the Bible’s regulations, or even understand Christian suggestions as to the importance of Jesus. This opens a vast gulf between Christianity (including Judaism) and Islam.

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