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Mississippi alligator (Alligator Mississippiensis)
Owner: Lestat
Range: New Orleans
Facts: An honorary guest, Lestat's donor. When Lestat was dropped in the swamp, he had no other blood to drink but the blood of this ancient creature and the like.
Adopted by: 
Keepers' comments: What an intelligent being! One of the most ancient surviving creatires, like I am one of the most ancient surviving vampires. We are made for each other - 

I've always loved reptiles, exspecialy alligators.  I'd be proud to care for Lestat's doner ~ Bunny

Krikie! These are majestic animals.  Without them, we wouldn't be enjoying the company of Lestat ~ Khym

American toad 
(Bufo Americanus)
Owner: Lestat
Range: New Orleans
Facts: Same as above, supplied Lestat with blood during his misfortunes in the swamps
Adopted by: 
Keeper's comments:
I have been dreaming of taking this toad home for a long time, she won't be bored for I have more than 200 - Eleni
Though many are not fond of toads, this particular creature is beautiful.  I would be happy to take care of this animal for its owner.  Perhaps it could be a little nighttime snack? - Sarah