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Marriage Records Part II

The State of Texas/County of San Saba: To any regularly ordained minister of the Gospel Chief Justice or Justice of the Peace in said County, Greeting: You are hereby authorized to celebrate the rites of matrimony between A M Pyeatt and Mary Burchett both of said County and make due witness thereof as the law directs Given under my hand and seal of the County Court of said County at office in the Town of San Saba this 7th day of October A D 1861 J Hudson? CCCSSC
I hereby certify that the above was duly executed by me on the 10th day of October 1861. John Hudson M G
Filed and recorded Decr 5th 1861 at 11 oclock A M. J Hudson? CCCSSC

The State of Texas/County of San Saba: To any regularly ordained minister of the Gospel, or Justice of the Peace of said County Greeting: You are hereby authorized to celebrate the rites of Matrimony between Joseph Stephins & Elizabeth Pyatt, both of said County & make due return as the law directs. Given under my hand & the seal of the County Court of said County as office in the Town of San Saba this 5th day of Jany 1880. J N Ganny CCCSS
Executed as the law directs on the 11th day of Jany 1880. H J Prichard M G
Filed Jany 24th 1880 & recorded Jany 28th 1880. J N Ganny Clk

The State of Texas/County of San Saba: To any regularly ordained minister of the Gospel, or Justice of the Peace of said County Greeting: You are hereby authorized to celebrate the rites of Matrimony between W Candle and V M Pyatt both of said County and make due return as the law directs. Given under my hand & the seal of the County Court of said County as office in San Saba this 20th day of Jany 1879. J N Garry CCCSS
Executed as the law directs Jany 21st 1879. H J Prichard M G
Filed Jany 25th 1879 & recorded Jany 22nd 1881. J N Ganny Clk

Marriage Record (pre-printed form) pg 25/State of Texas, San Saba County, SS: To any Judge of the County or District Court, Regularly Licensed or Ordained Minister of the Gospel, or Justice of the Peace, in and for the said County of San Saba Greeting: You are hereby Authorized to Solemnize the RITES OF MATRIMONY between Mr. A B Austin and Miss Jennie Pyeatt and make due return to the Clerk of the County Court of said County, within Sixty days thereafter, certifying your action under this License. Witness my official signature and seal of office, at office in San Saba this 19th day of December A. D. 1887. A Duggan Clerk of the County Court, San Saba County
I, (blank), hereby certify that on the 25th day of December A. D. 1887, I united in Marriage Mr A B Austin and Miss Jennie Pyeatt the parties above named. Witness my hand this 26th day of Dec A.D. 1887. R W Harrell Ordained Minsiter of the Gospel
Returned and Filed for Record this 27 day of Dec A.D. 1887. A Duggan County Clerk

Marriage Record (pre-printed form) pg 31/State of Texas, San Saba County, SS: To any Judge of the County or District Court, Regularly Licensed or Ordained Minister of the Gospel, or Justice of the Peace, in and for the said County of San Saba Greeting: You are hereby Authorized to Solemnize the RITES OF MATRIMONY between Mr. Frazier Low and Miss Ola Pyeatt and make due return to the Clerk of the County Court of said County, within Sixty days thereafter, certifying your action under this License. Witness my official signature and seal of office, at office in San Saba this 27th day of March A. D. 1888. A Duggan Clerk of the County Court, San Saba County
I, M T Chamberlain, hereby certify that on the 4th day of March A. D. 1888, I united in Marriage Mr Frazier Low and Miss Ola Pyeatt the parties above named. Witness my hand this 5th day of March A.D. 1888. M T Chamberlain Justice of the Peace Prec No 1 S S Co Texas
Returned and Filed for Record this 5th day of March A.D. 1888. A Duggan County Clerk