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James G and Rachel Miller Pyatt

James Glass Pyeatt was born March 2, 1824, in Clark County, Ohio, to William and Catherine Glass Piatt and died September 7, 1910, Pike Township, Carter County, Missouri. He is buried in the Gresham Cemetery, Carter County, Missouri. James' age on various census entries varied greatly. However, this birthdate is the one listed on his death certificate.

James was married first on June 11, 1846, in Crawford County, Missouri to Rachel Miller who was born 1830 in North Carolina. Their marriage was performed by Isaac G Eaton and was between 'James Pyatt' and 'Rachael Miller'.

The known children of James and Rachel:

James Pyatt Jr and Samuel Plesant Pyatt are both GGGrandfathers of Carol Piatt ( from both sides of her family.

James and family appeared on the 1850 census of District 24, Crawford County, Missouri as follows:

This family was enumerated #605/605 page 232 printed upper right (ancestry image 89/146) enumerator used initial only. Neighbors were #600 S & J Swafford, #601 J M & R A Swafford, #602 J & A Morley, #603 M Swafford, #604 M & J M Jones, #606 M Piatt, #607 M & N King, #608 B Piatt, #609 B & H Stafford, #610 E & B Holderman, #611 L L & M Snelson, #612 R & M D Vaughn, and #613 J & P Arney. At #606 'M Piatt' is William Piatt, James' father with his second wife and step-children and at #608 'B Piatt' is Benjamin and Avis Eggers Piatt, James' brother and family.

I believe the following land records of Crawford County, Missouri are for James Glass Pyatt. He is the only one James that I have found to be the likely purchaser and his brother, Elijah Piatt, bought property there 09-10-1859.

I would assume that James would have sold this property or deeded it to some of his children when he moved away (the Crawford County deed books should be searched). He (or his son) later bought the following property in Dent County, Missouri:

On the 1860 census of Osage Township, Crawford County, Missouri:

This family was enumerated #485/485 13th July 1860 pg 14 (ancestry image 2/28. Next door was James' brother, Elijah Pyatt, who had married the widowed Avis Eggers Pyatt (their brother, Benjamin's, widow).

Evidently Rachel died between 1866 (when their last child was born) and February of 1869 when James Pyatt married February 21, 1869, in Texas County, Missouri, to Mary Ann Honeycutt (d/o John and Catherine Honeycut) who was born June c1844 in Tennessee.

The children of James and Mary Ann were:

While the marriage was in Texas County, Missouri, we find James and Mary Ann living in Emminence, Spring Valley Township, Shannon County, Missouri on the 1870 census with what appears to be their first child together as follows: This family was enumerated #19/18 pg 667. Living in the house immediately before them were his daughter and family:

Then, a few more houses away, two sons in different households:

I note that Mary Ann's mother, Catherine Honeycutt, was by this time widowed and was living with several of her children just before William and Sarah Chilton. Mary Ann had appeared with her parents and siblings on the 1860 census of Spring Valley, Shannon County, Missouri. They had apparently moved to Missouri from Tennessee around 1853. Mary's siblings were older brothers Francis and John C; older sister Martha; younger brothers Newton, George, William, Cyrus Albert and Thomas and younger sisters Easter and Rhoda Caroline.

James G and Mary A Pyatt moved on to Dent County, Missouri, where some of James' brother, Benjamin Pyatt's descendants lived. They appeared as follows on the 1880 census:

This family was enumerated vol 11 ed 61 sh 10 line 19 #87/93 pg 369B ( image 10/27). Neighbors were James Pyatt (his son), Henry Beasley, Sandy Beasley, Susan McDonald, Jas Daugherty, * , Martin Lough, E Halbrook, Jas Asbridge, John F Bass, and John Medlock. James' age and birthplace might have been a guess by someone in the family. This James G had aged consistently (ie. 23 in 1850, 33 in 1860, 43 in 1870) but that does not jibe with the birth year of James Glass Pyeatt of 1824. Note that between the 1870 census and 1880 he only aged 7 years. Was this because he had married a much younger second wife and was trying to shave off a few years? Or, did someone else guess his age at 'about fifty'. Also, the places of birth differ from OH from the 1850-1870 census to IN on this one. Yet another indication that someone else answered for James. It is very common to see a place of birth that agrees to the place that you 'were from' instead of 'born' especially when answered by a spouse or child. James had been in Indiana before Missouri and some of his family may not have even known his place of birth. Also, note the place of birth of father and mother. In 1900 James (or whomever answered) has Virginia for both and in 1910 Indiana for both.

On the 1900 census of District 12, Franklin Township, Dent County, Missouri, James was living with his son's family as follows:

This family was enumerated #104/104 pg 13A ( image 12/39). Living a few pages away was James' son, James Pyatt Jr, and family. By this time, James' son, Samuel P Pyatt, had moved to Newton Township, Shannon County, Missouri. Note the 'Mar 1825 OH' for James' birth. Did someone know his birthday was in March and guess that he was 'about 75'? Did he answer these questions himself. I know that James is listed as a widower. But, I can't help but think that the family listed below is his wife, Mary Ann Honeycutt Piatt, and some of their children in Current Township:

This family was enumerated 29/11/7/44 Dent County. While Mary's age isn't an exact match to Mary born c1844, her place of birth and place of parent's birth are correct. Also, the daughter Belle matches 'Ida B' and Eliza matches 'Liza' from the 1880 census (and ages agree). Also, James and Mary Ann are credited with a son, Albert, and this Mary has an Albert in the household. Also, the Timothy that appears with her on this entry is enumerated in 1910 in the household of his sister, Martha Beasley, age 34 which is an exact match to a daughter of James and Mary. So, either the James who appeared widowed above with his son, William, is not the same James Glass Pyatt who married Mary Ann Honeycutt, or, someone assumed they were each widowed since they weren't living with a spouse. If this is not Mary Ann Honeycut Pyatt, where did she come from? The only matching children from the 1880 census are the children of James Glass Pyatt. Also, if these aren't James Glass Pyatt's children, where are his children on this census?

Also living next door to Mary and children appears to be her son, Joseph, as follows:

James G Pyatt lived with daughter and son-in-law Sarah Elizabeth Pyatt and William Chilton during the 1910 census and died soon thereafter. Here is the 1910 census entry from Pike Township, Carter County, Missouri:

James only aged about 10 years between this census and the previous one where he was 75 and born Mar 1825. This age of 86 is the only one that agrees with the Mar 1824 birthdate that has been given for James.

James' death certificate appears as follows:
Death Certificate #26762 County: Carter; Township: Pike; Registration District: 146; Primary Registration District: 5209; Full Name: James Glass Pyatt; Sex: Male; Race: white; Marital status: Married; Date of birth: March 2, 1824 Age: 86 yrs 6 mos 5 days; Occupation: Farmer / General farm work; Birthplace: (town unknown) Ohio; Name of Father: William Pyatt; Birthplace of Father: (town unknown) Indiana; Maiden name of Mother: Catherine Glass; Birthplace of Mother: (town unknown) Indiana; Informant and address: N C Pyatt, Fremont, Mo; Filed: Sep 8 1910 G. C. Anson; Date of Death: September 7, 1910; Cause of Death: Heart Disease (type unknown); Place of burial or removal: Gresham Cemetery; Date of burial: Sept 9, 1910; Undertaker: N C Pyatt, Fremont, Mo

The information on this death certificate was answered by James' son, Ned Cornelius Pyatt. The answers agree to what was given for James on the 1910 census except for his marital status. I am curious that it lists him as married. I would take the answers on this document more seriously than the census answers as it was probably taken more seriously. So, we have him listed as married and born in Ohio. This means that the Mary and children from 1900 are probably his family - where were they in 1910? Also, the same answer from the 1910 census for parents birthplace of Indiana is consistent with the death certificate. But, my contension is that if he were living in Indiana before Missouri - someone is going to give that answer rather than there places of birth which is probably Virginia.

There are many Chiltons buried in the Gresham Cemetery in Carter County, Missouri. According to various death certificates, there are Pyatts buried there with no markers - including James Glass Pyatt.


Updated Sep 2006

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