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The Durmanhoth Legacy

1) The entrance fee is $3,000 gold pieces payable when you are inducted into the ranks of the Durmanhoth. The members are then to continue to give monitary support and equipment to help further the clan and its members accomplish whatever tasks they might have.
2) Initiates are to have a sponsor from within D*C or possibly from an allied guild. Without a sponsor your request might be "circular filed". So if you are interrested, seek out a member and get them to sponsor you.
3) Members are also commanded to assist in the protection of all clan homes, members and allies when called into battle.
4) Members are commanded to go forth into battle if the Overlord commands the guild to fight.
5)Members are commanded to never leave a clan member or ally to die needlessly. You MUST and will exhaust all other efforts before retreating from a fight. If you retreat and leave someone, a hearing will occur and if found guilty executed and removed at the Overlords whim.

What do you get from the clan? Free equipment collected from other members to aid you should you need it, or have died and been resurected to fight again. A strong brotherhood consisted of top players that will do anything possible to aid you and the clan and futher its great name. A comfortable Clan Hall for meetings and other named functions. And a wealth of knowledge and contacts you can tap into and learn and gain experiance from.

Click the stone to apply.

Make sure to leave in your request:
  • ICQ#
  • Description of your skills
  • Future Stone preferance

  • LATEST UPDATE was on 10/11/99

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