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Contractor Name:

Contractor Class:

Contractor's Guild:

Mark Name:

Mark Class:

Mark's Guild:

Reason for kill (optional):

Specifics (i.e, People they hunt with, where they hunt, etc..):


Understand that you are in contract with the Guild of the Durmanhoth. Half of the payment accepted by its Guildmaster will be needed up front, while the other half payable apon DEATH of the mark. Proof will be givin with the HEART or LIMB of the victim once done. Failure to make full payment when approached, will result in your immediate death. Also, should you decide after the initial payment has been made to drop the contract, you lose the initial 1/2 payment but will not need to pay the last half.

Mutalator, Overlord of The Durmanhoth Clan

  • LATEST UPDATE was on 6/30/99

    | Page by Mutalator | | Copyright 1998 |