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The Durmanhoth Legacy


The following are pics of odd people of things you might not see every day in Ultima On-Line. My reason for doing this? I am uplate, bored form macroing my red chars and thought it might be cool. If you have interresting pics, please send them in to me I will post them, and the pic takers name as well. Special IMMORTALS, special NPCs, special MONSTERS and unique PLACES are always needed.

Ultima On-Line "Immortals"

Game Master
*New Version*
As it turns out, the GM's seem to have gotten a face lift. I have to say, this is the coolest thing I have seen. Am I pathetic, probibly. But I would fucking do anything for my char to look as bad-ass as this GM looks. No name showed up, but I thank him for pulling my 45,000gps from under the fucking pentagram. Oh, if you dont kow yet, dont drop cash on your pents.

Game Master

*Old Version*
This old version of the Game Masters was taking by an old Guild the Chaos Vikings. The actual GM is revealed using UOE at the time. *He was invis* And the picture is of the GM moving the Guild Stone letting LLTS loot the Chaos vikings guild house. When the authorities were told about this, they said it was a farse and the pic was doctored. Of course, the player couldn't say he was using UOE and say him.

GameMaster Mutalator-DC
GameMaster on Shard **?**
No your eyes are not fooling you, yes that is me and yes I am wearing a GM-robe. Of course, I have to sport the clan colors, otherwise what kinda GuildMaster would I be.

Senior Counselor
This is one cool guy. He is the Head of ALL the Counselor's in UO period. I met him crashing a good guilds wedding. Once I met him, i decided not to cause a ruckus cause he was really cool. After the wedding I talked to him and he helped me out with some information. I am still awaiting a reply for my WEDDING!

The little blue guys you always see hanging arond and getting 1 million questions asked. The Atlantic C's are extremely cool and helpful

Senior Elder Explorer
This guy poped up when I called for a GM. Of course, I would have normally been pissed a Gm didn't bother to assist a pk again, but he had a purple robe and wand. so he was cool *heh*

Counselor elder Explorer
I met this guy asking some RP information. He said he is a vetern player that was granted that title/position. I am not sure exactly what they are for, but he was cool as hell to.

Game Seer
This is one of the Role Playing Immortals. Mainly used to do quests and help game play along

LATEST UPDATE was on 6/26/99

| Page by Mutalator Overlord of Hell| | Copyright 1998 |