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The Durmanhoth Legacy


Zhuge vs Gohan, WInNER ZHUGE!!!
Ahhhh....this is a refreshing sight. Apparently our Dreadlord Zhuge dueled Gohan of SSJ in Shame and since a picture is worth a thousand words, I will svae my typing and just show the outcome.


S!S Comes to DC City and Dies Alot
Here we have once picture of many. S!S started off by comming by and scouting the guildhouse and they went away with a few deaths. Bad timing I guess, but they came in when there was a lot of DC around. The picture below is of the first attempt. The second time they came back was a bit of a suprise. Not thinking they would equip that fast, they recalled in and managed to kill 2 DC members before losing3 and the rest recalling out of the area. Well, you would think they would have learned a lesson but they didn't. S!S came by for the third and final time leaving in a blood heep and did not return for the rest of the night.


Zhuge and Chaos Take a Wrong Turn...Hi Mr. GM Sir!!!
Are water traveling Zhuge and Chaos went out to do some SoS hunting and ended up in some under-water cave *bug* thing. More about how and where will come, but here is the underwater image. Kinda neat.


Mutalator and Cherry Poppins Wedding at Demon Temple on Fire Isle
Well, at long last Cherry Poppins and Mutalator finally got married. The day started when Mutalator arrived at the D*C Guild House and come to find several people waiting inside. No sooner did he walk in the doors, but was showered with gifts from the wedding attendants and was offered congradulations. Once all the hellos and thank your were exchanged, Mut and Cherry gated to the undisclosed wedding spot. Undisclosed for obvious reasons.
As guests arrived, so did the counselors and the Master of Cerimonies "MC" Oz. We all got into our places and the cerimony began. Several representitives from DC, RMF, SEA and other outside friends attended as well as 3 head counselors and 4 regular counselors. From what I heard, some GMs were there hidden as well. Probibly checking everyone there for exploitz but noone was banned or jailed so was a good thing. Oz started it off and of course it got rather boring right away. UO marriages are set up for goodie goodie blues and not Murderers. So, as Oz asked Mutalator to say lines after him, Mut responded with his own sayings replacing the mantra of Love, Honor and Courage to that or Chaos, Anarchy and Murder as an example. As the couple began their "I do" vows, a wandering traveler showed up on accident and was I am sure shocked at what he saw. As he stood there, everyone in the audience primed a spell and as Mut was about to sy "I do", he turned to the crowd and said "KILL!" instead. And the wandering traveler wasn't heard from again. MUCH to the shock of the counselors present =P.
The wedding drew to a close and at the closing statements by Oz, everyone lit up the sky with fireworks. As that went on, Mutalator summond a sacrifice to the alter and in front of the counselors and the crowd, consumated the marriage in blood from the virginal sacrifice. Was funny to hear the responces because NOONE expected that, much less the counselors. As the corpse was disembowled and the head and heart givwen to Cherry by Mutalator, the crowd of guests lit up the counselors with poison fields and flame walls. Was a funny sight to see a bunch of immortals walking around poisoned and on fire. The immortals took no offense at the sudden "tuen on them for fun" and stuck around to chat with the attending Murderers. As they started to leave, the temple turned into a free-for-all battle royal and everyone was ganking each other in a blood-letting frenzie. A great time was had by all! Click below to view some of the wedding activites, any pics you might have other than those shown, would be appreciated and posted.

Clan Function Archives

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