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The Durmanhoth Legacy

Durmanhoth Alliances

GM- Mephisto

Ruthless Mother Fuckas, *RMF*
GM- Man of War

Atlantic Reggie Repo, *ARR/HBM*
GM- Emmanual

Guilds to be Destroyed

Roman In Power *R!P*
GM- Crystal Ice aka: Atlantic Whore Anna

The Wretched *TW*
GM- Legolas

Sooky Sooky *S!S*
GM- Skeletor

Long Live the Syndicate *LLTS/@DG*
GM- Dragons

Durmanhoth Most Wanted Dead

1) Anna of *DBS*
2) Sir Morgan I, II, III *BC*
3) Angus

LATEST UPDATE was on 11/18/99

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