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Community of Life Resources

The Laws of the Community

We are B-ing

Cultural Survival

Population Issues

Sustainability and Y2K

New Education Ideas

New Money Systems

People to Contact

Interesting Places

A Glimpse into Our History

Misc Good Stuff

About Me

"The relevant measures are not ease or difficulty. The relevant measures are readiness and unreadiness. If the time isn't right for a new idea, no power on earth can make it catch on, but if the time is right, it will sweep the world like wildfire."
Quinn in "The Story of B"

"..The tremendous strength of the tribal way was that its success didn't depend on people being better. It worked for people the way they are - unimproved, unenlightened, troublesome, disruptive, selfish, mean, cruel, greedy, and violent."
Quinn in "My Ishmael"

"You want a program? Then here is a program: The story of Genesis must be reversed. First, Cain must stop murdering Abel. This is essential if you're to survive. The leavers are the endangered species most critical to the world - not because they're humans but because they alone can show the destroyers of the world that there is no one right way to live. And then, of course, you must spit out the fruit of the forbidden tree. You must absolutely and forever relenquish the idea that you know who should live and who should die on this planet."
Quinn in "Ishmael"


Once your mind takes in new breathtaking ideas, it can never go back to the way it was - fortunately or even unfortunately. There are new doors to discover, new windows to open, new thoughts to ponder over, and most importantly, new responsibilities to handle. Galileo's and Darwin's theories are prime examples of having to accept new responsibilities.

Such as it is after reading as profound a book as "Ishmael" by Daniel Quinn. Many readers are left with the exhausting feeling of wanting to rush out and "DO" something, however many are not sure what. Some of us are just shell shocked, trying to understand the implications, some are ecstatic, realizing finally that their scattered thoughts have been put into a coherent book. Others would have preferred not to have read the book, claiming that ignorance really IS bliss. For many of us though, it is a book that will cause a major catalyst in the way we look at the world, and at Mother Culture.

Those of us who have read "Ishmael","The Story of B", and "My Ishmael" have all felt this change take place over time. I am only one member of the Community of Life, but there are countless others with many more joining the ranks each day.

In my effort to take part in the positive changes going on, I have tried to reach as many people as I can through teaching and communicating, laughter, art and love. So, in my searchings to better my techniques and clarify my thoughts, I have developed quite a extensive database of information related to the relevant themes in the books mentioned above. The topics for this database are located to the left, so you can browse them at your leisure.

Also, if you get anything out of this site, please take this: YOU ARE NOT ALONE! While it may seem that you may be totally isolated from the people around you, take heart! There are many of us who are in the same boat and have made the starting changes needed to get the ball rolling. We are aiming at saving our world! Every effort does count! To join others who are doing their part to help their world, go to the Ishmael Community Forum to participate in the numerous discussions. And once there, be sure to pop into the Vault to catch up on some great older messages.

Welcome to the EVOLUTION!

Leave it easy,

MythDreamer (