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Interesting Places (newly evolved!)

We love to talk about ideas and concepts, but rarely do we put them into action. This section will hopefully show us that some people are putting their money where their mouth is. Let us hope that the list gets bigger!

Interesting Places:

The Earthship Global Website
Arcosanti Community
Biosphere 2 Experimental Living
Tom Elliot's Alternative Energy Resource site
The Slow Food Capital of the World
Katoomba, Oz

Many of us understand the challenges of leaving the main and pioneering a new lifestyle. We can either do it in increments within the places we already live, we can try to find a solitary place from which to make manifest our dream, or we can forget the whole thing, assuming it is too hard to run away or change the system.

I sincerely hope that we can inspire the first two, and ideally, the first idea to enact a new change of living within our culture. Many people I have talked to want change, but assume it comes with a changed place or a changed system. While this is part of it, a changed mind is vital to really realizing a dream. A dream, then a vision, then a working reality, then the fun part of getting hand dirty.

Won't you help us dream up this vision of a new lifestyle? We have had various conversations located on the Delphi Forum about "Modern Leaver Villages," "Leaver Communities," "Leaver Cities," and many other brainstorms. Come on in a participate with us here

And please, there are many other sites that I am not aware of, so if you know of any more, send it on by and I will post it. We need more hairs on the camel's back.....

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