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This is Cultural Survival!

All of us who have been here awhile, or even those that have stumbled upon us recently have probably noticed that even though our task of changing the world seems difficult and at times hopeless, there are those that inspire and comfort, leading us with their passion and enthusiasm. These are our models and thus our mythmakers. They give us hope that one single person with one single thought or desire can affect positive change throughout our world.

We are fighting a very solid and capable opponent though. Speaking through both sides of her mouth, Mother Culture both assures us that all is well and good, and that we don't need to worry. However, at the same time she seems to scratch an ever growing itch that is quickly consuming her. Her desire to perpetuate our cultural myths acts as a solid granite wall through which we must climb over and, more importantly, create enough ladders and people moving equipment to help others across. One lone person who has reached the top and is looking down, has no value....Mother Culture says. They must be either crazy or spiteful of all the wonderful things that our Mother has provided. But if 10 people climb up, or 100, or 1000, or a million! Well, then that will be a very special time indeed. Most of us are in the adolescent stage of wanting to find ourselves and will resent any controling influence. We must break out and see for ourselves what the big world holds for us.

There are treasures that have yet to be re-discovered. Come and let us journey down this path together. We can yell back "Don't worry Mom!, I will be alright! I am going to find my place in the world! Not yours or Dad's!"

Here are some markers to help us along the way (but be on the watch for sites offering programs only - I have tried to steer clear, but links will be links):

The Earth Island Institute (Great!!)

The Nature Conservatory (Great!!)


Sierra Club

World Transformation

Cultural Survival

The Wilderness Awareness School

Environmental Revolution

Endangered Species

The Quickening

All Islands Have Limits

Great Network Resource Page


Rainforest Information Centre

Rainforest Action

United Communities of Spirit

Which World are We Inheriting?

State of the World Forum

World Economic Forum

If the World were a Village...

The Reckoning

World Resources Institute

Environmental Working Group

Earth 911

Large resource site

Shundahai Network - great!


The Native Web Resource Site

The Tree of Peace Society

Sacred Earth

Music Can Change the World

Real World Gatherings

Make a Difference!

Defenders of Wildlife

The Peace Pilgrim Page

The Diane Fossey Gorilla Fund

The Gesundheit Institute

If you find any more that are of use please contact me here. You may find more sites of interest or feelings about them here.

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